Thursday, June 18, 2020

Wednesday, June 17, Maintenance Day.  No fanfare or leading up to the event.  She simply said "hit the shower and report for your spanking".  Now I did have time to dry off, but I was going to be spanked right out of the shower.  Not familiar with that experience yet...try it will understand.  Anyway I reported as directed and all was ready for me.  The wedge pillow, blindfold and the 4 implements to be used.  The flexible leather paddle, the purse paddle, the loopy johnny, and the rubber strap.  All that was missing was my bare ass....presented.

The flexible leather was chosen for the warm up.  Its fur side felt almost sensuous as it caressed my cheeks.  Even the smooth leather side was kind as it warmed the skin and colored it pink.  My old 'friend' the purse paddle was up for its segment now that the warm up was finished, sound swats echoed in the room along with my muffled yelps.  Alternating cheeks, the paddle delivered a sustained series of strokes, leaving my ass stinging like hell.  No help from the loopy johnny as it followed the cherry wood purse paddle.  Its braided leather bit into my tenderized flesh for its segment.  Moving right along with no interruption, the flexible leather made its way into her hand.  No more sensual or warm up swats, it now meant business.  She swung the implement with authority and accuracy.  I held firmly as I could tell by now, the target area tonight was full cheeks.  No sit spots or upper thighs were touched.  After the paddle, the remaining implement was the rubber strap.  A very painful toy which I purchased on a dare was about to abuse already reddened and stinging cheeks.  I positioned with my ass stuck our even further to accept the strapping I was about to receive.  She strapped my ass repeatedly with sound strokes complete with welling tears and yelps on my part.  When the last yelp died out, she stroked my butt with her bard hand saying...'well taken'.  "let's do it again, only hard this time", she said and took up the leather paddle again.  She was right, strokes were hard right from the start.  Again, full cheeks were alternately spanked with out pause.  The loopy johnny stung like hell on now a thoroughly spanked ass.  The purse paddle was accompanied by howls and tears.  The rubber was almost unbearable as it strapped my ass with purpose.  Finally she stood me up saying, very good and that is long enough for your back to endure.  She said aside from the warm up, each toy landed 25 times firmly and again 25 strokes hard.  I can add and that is 200 strokes, even though again the time duration was relatively short, a solid and effective maintenance spanking was delivered.

Tossing the die was next and smiling, she read the results before I did.  "ONE" she exclaimed....Friday I will spank you again!!!

Thanks to all readers, established and new.  Questions and comments are welcome and encouraged.  All will be answered.


  1. Holy moley!!! Good thing I rubbed my bottom extra long, last night!!

  2. Thank you for the comment, Nora-Jane. A point to remember...the duration of a spanking is unimportant. It is the skill and knowledge of a good Dominant that makes it effective.
