Monday, May 4, 2015

Sunday May 3, 2015 - Maintenance Day.  Recent days have been a blur of activity as we prepare to leave our Winter home and return to the Northeast for the Summer months.  I never thought she would squeeze a maintenance spanking in yesterday.  Very close to bedtime, she called me to the bedroom.  I knew what that meant.  She had prepared two pillows on the edge of the bed along with 5 spanking implements and 3 dice.  I rolled all three and turned up a 6 and a pair of 5's.  Totaling 16, she would be administering 16 strokes with each with the implements because of the brief nature of this scheduled spanking.  Being already totally nude, as I am kept whenever inside, I merely had to lie over the pillows to present myself, ass high, to accept my maintenance.  She started with the doubled belt.  Receiving light strokes told me this was the warm up.  Even light strokes, after nearly 10 minutes, had my ass glowing pink.  Next the large wood paddle was in her hand.  A very hard, solid stroke landed, covering both cheeks, spreading a fire-like tingling over my ass.  ONE, she called out.  Less than 2 seconds later, another landed, just as hard and solid as the first.  TWO from her firm voice followed.  I knew another 14 of these would have me in pain and beginning to tear up.  It came to be true, after the 16th landed, my ass was crimson, stinging, deep tissue bruised and quite hot.  I could hear her exchanging implements.  Wondering what was next did not take long.  Almost immediately heard the swish in the air as the riding crop fiercely stung my already tenderized ass.  ONE was heard as she began the count.  Another 15 times the air was swished and the crack of the crop echoed in the room.  Tears now increasing and I turned my toes inward to help prevent clenching.  Another implement change produced one of our exotic hard wood paddles.  This particular paddle was solid walnut with holes drilled for maximum effectiveness. The first stroke hit and I thought I would die.  ONE again was heard as the count started over.  At least I would only receive 8 strokes on each cheek as the surface of the paddle is smaller.  TWO, as the left cheek now caught fire to match the right one.  Alternating cheeks, the other 14 strokes met their mark.  I was yelping loudly now with each stroke and squirming often.  This paddle left deep tissue soreness as much or more than the large wood paddle.  I knew I would be able to feel the soreness for a few days.  I shuttered during the changing of implements as I heard the unmistakable sound of the zipper on the cane case.  She swish it through the air a few times.  I instantly knew my ass would not only be red and bruised, but striped as well.  Tears now flowing freely as the cane split the air and stung my flesh like a lightening strike.  Again, I heard the unemotional ONE called out.  After another 15 strikes, 15 yelps and 15 stripes across by butt, she opened the covers and put me to bed with a very sound maintenance spanking.
As I lie there, she rolled a die and to my disbelief, it turned up a one.  Adding one more, means Tuesday, I will be spanked for maintenance again.  This will be during our trip north so it will occur in a hotel room.  Most likely the report will be sometime on Wednesday.  Hope you all catch it.

Anyone have a comment or question now or anytime, all will be answered.