Saturday, November 26, 2022

Maintenance Spanking in Florida

Wednesday, November 23, scheduled maintenance day. Yes, I am a few days late in posting, but many things to accomplish during our first week at the resort. Throw in a major holiday and things have been hectic. Busy, but not so much that she did not have time to bend me over and give my ass a maintenance spanking when due. That was exactly what she did; over the pillow on the edge of the bed I went to submit to being spanked. She had 3 implements on the bed and was ready to administer due maintenance. The bare hand began the warm up phase and morphed into a good hand spanking segment. Feeling quite toasty and I imagine somewhat red after the 5 minute hand spankng, my ass was ready to taste the first of the implements. For this task she chose the riding bat.
A rapid cadence of stinging swats began to rain down on my ass. She covered every inch of cheek, crease and thigh with repeated strikes from the wide leather tip of the bat. Each one bit my flesh and when she altered her swing just a bit and began to use the short shaft of the bat like a cane, I began to yelp. Expertly mixing the type of strikes, she soon had my ass covered with red butterfly shapped marks highlighted by red streaks from the cane-like strikes. Knowing better than to move, I held position and responded vocally to the asssult with yelps and howls. A full 5 minute segment closed with a hint of mositure in my eyes. There was to be no relief in sight as she pulled my hips back a bit and picked up the hairbrush.
This was the oval shaped brush with a solid wood back and handle. A slower tempo of strikes greeted my cheeks about one every 4 seconds or so. Quite firm swats landed steadily and after about 30 or so, I began to yelp. Moving to thighs and then sit spots was no better as the hairbrush continued to spank me. I squirmed a bit and she placed her left hand on the small of my back as a gentle reminted to hold still and take the spanking. From thighs thru the crease, the strikes again found my bright red cheeks. She may have raised the force a notch and my yelps became louder. Full tears formed and ran down my face as the hairbrush segment played out its full 5 minutes. I caught a brief pause while she changed implements. The broad sword paddle came on to complete the session.
Wide and steel reinforced, the broad sword paddle delivers a solid swat to both cheeks. A horizontal stroke landed firmly across my ass with a very loud smack. I recoiled and crept my feet a bit closer to the platform of the bed and backed my hips up to position my ass to accept the paddling. She met the red target of my cheeks with repeated solid hard swats. Yelps turned to howls and she continued to paddle thighs, crease and full cheeks. She was covering the entire spanked area with a coat of red. Being soundly paddled for 5 minutes had darkened the red color and increased the soreness in the deep tissues of my ass. No change in tempo, just swat after swat was landing on the spankible areas targeted for her. Mostly horizontal and hard, covering both cheeks, the paddle continued to deliver its pain. When the segment time was over, I felt the session had ended. Think again as the swish thru the air followed by the intense sting of the riding bat surprised me. The encore performance of the riding bat went on for several more minutes. Stinging like hell and the color of a lobster, my ass took the second segment of the bat without a move as vocal responses filled the room. She must have been pleased as she finished the session with the statement, 'Now that was a good spanking'. I agreed as I stood to thank her. Tossing the dice for the first time on this trip, it turned up a '3'. Sunday I will again be spanked for maintenance.
I find myself again apologizing for a late posting. No defense except being on vacation and lots to do. I will strive to be quicker on the draw regarding posting episodes and will always answer your questions and comments. Fell free to leave one and join the fun. See you all after my next spanking.


  1. Aye aye aye!!! I can feel the heat of your bottom emanating off my phone screen!!! I honestly don't know how you physically take the spankings, cowboy. I'm not questioning your submission. You must have a high tolerance for pain. I know the both of you have been together for years and that helps the tolerance increase.
    Bravo on a superior recalling of this session!

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  2. You insightful comments are a great addition to this blog, Nora-Jane. We have been together for nearly 13 years now. She knows my limits very well and respects them. Occasionally, when I have reached my limit, she will pause and say 'Expand your limits'? I always answer, 'Yes Ma'am, Please do'. She then gives me another dose of spanking and pain. Then that level becomes the new limit. Hence, I am well above where I started with her over a decade ago.

    1. That's a wonderful relationship, cowboy!

    2. Yes, Nora-Jane, I totally agree. It is the best relationship I have ever had and feel truly fortunate to have had the opportunity to meet her.
