Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Leather and Wood for Maintenance

Tuesday, August 13, A morning spanking started the day. Just after finishing my morning and breakfast chores, I was set to catch up on computer and banking issues in my office. She was busy too, but I was unaware of what she was doing. After making the bed, I set out the wedge pillow to remind us both that today was maintenance day.
In no time at all she appeared at my office door fully dressed and ready for a quick shopping trip. "Before I leave", she said, "I'm going to spank you". I immediately obeyed and went to the bedroom. She had laid out 3 implements next to the pillow I had placed, so I climbed over the wedge leaving my bare ass high and vulnerable. I stayed in position for several minutes before she arrived and began to deliver my due maintenance. A barrage of mild spanks and some hard ones warmed my cheeks and prepared them for the serious spanking which was about to begin with the flexible leather paddle.
A great implement featuring a two-sided attack and a pefrect size for paddling. The fur side provides a good thud along with a pleasent soft feel while delivering a solid swat. The smooth leather side can really sting either a single cheek or both together. She incorporated all the facets while soundly paddling my ass. Varying the force along with the tempo and switching sides of the paddle, she treated me to a long segment covering my cheeks, sit spots and upper thighs. Many minutes passed as she paddled with me holding position and adding a few yelps. A few hard hand spanks separated the paddling from the next implement... the leather slapper.
Another short implement which delivers sting from both sides. One side is smooth leather, much like the paddle, but much smaller. Impact is on a smaller area, increasing the sting about two-fold over the paddle. The other side is cut into fringe, much like a smaller flogger but much shorter and stings like hell. Again, she used both sides with a seemless change in force and tempo. The slapper does just that... slaps bare flesh bringing a red color and bee sting like pain to the surface of the skin. Again, all the area from mid-thigh to top of cheek got a long segment of slapping leather. Several minutes of slapping had me worn down a bit and was not ready for the few but very hard hand spanks that signalled the change in implements. I had been very well stung and now she was about to make sure the deep tissue would be sore for days. She chose the purse paddle for this task.
Before beginning, she pulled my hips back about 6 inches, sliding my torso across the pillow and presenting my ass further into the room. Now red and sore, I was about to have the deep tissue bruised courtesy of the cherry wood purse paddle. She left the cover on for the first minute or so, but I could still feel the thud going to the deep tissue of my cheeks. Soon the cover came off and the smooth wood stung the surface and delivered pain deep into my ass. She adopted a steady slow tempo with hard strikes on alternating cheeks. Within no time I was yelping with each swat. Soon my eyes were welling and tears forming. Yelps turned to howls as she continued to paddle my ass with authority. Swat after swat landed hard the segment seemed endless. She slowed and finally ceased saying my cheeks were crimson and she was going to back off for now. I weakly stood and thanked her for a good maintenance spanking. The dice toss was next and it scheduled Sunday by showing a "4" when coming to a rest. She went off shopping and I viewed my well spanked crimson ass in the mirror.
Thanking my readers is the right thing to do and I will contimue after every episode. You are very welcome and actually encouraged to leave a comment or suggestion. You may also ask any question you wish about me or my maintenance spankings. Take advantage of your opportunity to become part of this blog. See you all after I get spanked on Sunday.


  1. Ouchkabibbles! I bet you had a smile on your face!

    1. Thank you Nora-Jane. The view of my spanked, bright red ass was something to see. I probably was smiling with the knowledge my Dominant takes the time to give me the spankings we both know I need.
