Monday, August 26, 2024

A Stinging Spanking for Maintenance

Saturday, August 24, a scheduled maintenance day. A normal morning, serve her coffee in bed, brush her hair, prepare and serve breakfast, clean up the dishes and kitchen after the meal and make the bed. I realized it was maintenance day and laid out the wedge pillow after the bed was made. I was in the office catching up on my computer chores when she came in and said, "Come with me, you are getting spanked right now". Following her to the bedroom, she pointed to the wedge pillow saying, "Over you go and stick your ass out". I saw the implements she laid out and knew a session of sting was about to begin. The warm up was normal. Mild, medium and hard bare hand spanks spaced over several minutes leaving me with warm, pink and stinging cheeks. Just right to face the first of the implements... the leather slapper.
This little device can sting with the best of them. The fringe side a bit more than the smoothe side and she used both sides to deliver as much sting as possible to my already burning cheeks. Concentrating on cheeks only she covered my ass with sharp slaps of the leather. I held position with my ass out to accept the spanking doled out. The sting on my flesh was increased with every slap and over several minutes it was becoming quite sore. She had both cheeks flaming red, top to bottom and hip to hip. She concluded this segment and got the next implement ready. She grabbed the braided leather loopy jonny.
First order of business for the implement was to make me more vulnerable. Placing the tool between my thighs and tapping is the signal for me to spread my legs. The tapping continued until I was about half way to max spread. She then applied the loopy johnny to my flesh. Not much force is needed with this implement as the edges of the braided leather are quite rough and my cheeks were already well spanked. The strikes from the loopy johnny slowly climbed from my ass to my back and she struck clear up to my shoulders. A few yelps excaped as the strikes continued back down across the cheeks on to sit spots and thighs. With stinging strikes the leather bit into my tenderized skin. She altered the angle of the strikes to insure full coverage with verticle strikes on both cheeks. A few dead center lashes actually struck the family jewels resulting in loud yelps. Up and down my full back again, across my cheeks and over both thighs. The loopy johnny was swung with a uppercut motion too and my dangling cock and hanging balls were the target and she did not miss. Now I was howling as she hit my package and asshole. A few good lashes across both cheeks ended the segment as I was breathing heavily. Not finished yet, she picked up the thin oak education paddles.
Mostly used as a pair, the paddles struck my ass keeping perfect time with the background music. Again, not very hard swats are needed to deliver a good sting from the oak paddles. I could feel tears in my eyes as she paddled my cheeks for several minutes. Fiery red and tenderized cheeks were being stung beyond belief with the thin wood paddles. Both slow and rapid fire timpo was used during this segment. A few hard swats on cheek centers had me howilng again. My ass felt like it was on fire as she slowed and tapered off the paddling. Heat was pouring off my crimson cheeks as she told me I was finished. I stood to thank her with hugs and kisses. Tossing the dice provided a bit of hope as the tumbling cube came to rest showing a '5'. I will remain unspanked until Friday, but have no idea how she will spank me for maintenance then.
A big thank you goes out to all readers of this blog. Your support is needed and you can even become part of the fun. Leave a comment, suggestion or question and receive an individual answer right here. Many readers may benefit from your input which makes the blog even better. Join in and be heard. Stop back after Friday to learn about my next maintenance spanking.


  1. Holy guacamole!! I had forgotten about the Loopy Johnny! Aye aye aye!! MY ass is on fire, just reading about it!
    Great session! Thank you for sharing.

  2. Thanks to Nora-Jane for your comments and support. It was a different spanking, all sting. Having your ass on fire just reading it is the purpose of the blog. I try to give the reader the feeling of being right there with me.
