Monday, August 26, 2024

A Stinging Spanking for Maintenance

Saturday, August 24, a scheduled maintenance day. A normal morning, serve her coffee in bed, brush her hair, prepare and serve breakfast, clean up the dishes and kitchen after the meal and make the bed. I realized it was maintenance day and laid out the wedge pillow after the bed was made. I was in the office catching up on my computer chores when she came in and said, "Come with me, you are getting spanked right now". Following her to the bedroom, she pointed to the wedge pillow saying, "Over you go and stick your ass out". I saw the implements she laid out and knew a session of sting was about to begin. The warm up was normal. Mild, medium and hard bare hand spanks spaced over several minutes leaving me with warm, pink and stinging cheeks. Just right to face the first of the implements... the leather slapper.
This little device can sting with the best of them. The fringe side a bit more than the smoothe side and she used both sides to deliver as much sting as possible to my already burning cheeks. Concentrating on cheeks only she covered my ass with sharp slaps of the leather. I held position with my ass out to accept the spanking doled out. The sting on my flesh was increased with every slap and over several minutes it was becoming quite sore. She had both cheeks flaming red, top to bottom and hip to hip. She concluded this segment and got the next implement ready. She grabbed the braided leather loopy jonny.
First order of business for the implement was to make me more vulnerable. Placing the tool between my thighs and tapping is the signal for me to spread my legs. The tapping continued until I was about half way to max spread. She then applied the loopy johnny to my flesh. Not much force is needed with this implement as the edges of the braided leather are quite rough and my cheeks were already well spanked. The strikes from the loopy johnny slowly climbed from my ass to my back and she struck clear up to my shoulders. A few yelps excaped as the strikes continued back down across the cheeks on to sit spots and thighs. With stinging strikes the leather bit into my tenderized skin. She altered the angle of the strikes to insure full coverage with verticle strikes on both cheeks. A few dead center lashes actually struck the family jewels resulting in loud yelps. Up and down my full back again, across my cheeks and over both thighs. The loopy johnny was swung with a uppercut motion too and my dangling cock and hanging balls were the target and she did not miss. Now I was howling as she hit my package and asshole. A few good lashes across both cheeks ended the segment as I was breathing heavily. Not finished yet, she picked up the thin oak education paddles.
Mostly used as a pair, the paddles struck my ass keeping perfect time with the background music. Again, not very hard swats are needed to deliver a good sting from the oak paddles. I could feel tears in my eyes as she paddled my cheeks for several minutes. Fiery red and tenderized cheeks were being stung beyond belief with the thin wood paddles. Both slow and rapid fire timpo was used during this segment. A few hard swats on cheek centers had me howilng again. My ass felt like it was on fire as she slowed and tapered off the paddling. Heat was pouring off my crimson cheeks as she told me I was finished. I stood to thank her with hugs and kisses. Tossing the dice provided a bit of hope as the tumbling cube came to rest showing a '5'. I will remain unspanked until Friday, but have no idea how she will spank me for maintenance then.
A big thank you goes out to all readers of this blog. Your support is needed and you can even become part of the fun. Leave a comment, suggestion or question and receive an individual answer right here. Many readers may benefit from your input which makes the blog even better. Join in and be heard. Stop back after Friday to learn about my next maintenance spanking.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Paddled and Strapped for Maintenance

Tuesday, August 20, a few days late but a good spanking. Originally due on Sunday, it was my turn to be a bit under the weather and just not up to accepting my due maintenance. Feeling much better today and on the way home from some errands, she told me I was getting a spanking later tonight. Shortly after dinner, she quietly said, "It's time". I needed no other or more information or dircetion. I went directly to our bedroom placed the wedge pillow and draped my nude body over it and presented my ass to be spanked. A few minutes later she arrived and proceeded to assemble three implements to handle the task. Out of the corner of my eye, seeing the toys, I knew I was about to be soundly spanked. The warm up was textbook...mild bare hand swats with several medium and hard swats interspurrsed. The 5 minute segment left my cheeks sufficiently warmed with a nice pink glow. Ready for the main event and first up was the flexible leather paddle.
A classy looking implement with a two sided attack. Fur side for thud and smooth leather for sting, this little beauty has it all. She adopted a slow steady tempo with strikes landing on the center of each cheek. Alternating sides, she paddled my ass for about 5 minutes. Swats stayed rhymetic, landing about every two seconds. Force varied as I got medium, hard and some very hard from both sides of the paddle. All swats were centered on my cheeks and within a short time my ass got red and sore while yelps escaped thru my lips. I held position and took this paddling segment with a determination to accept whatever lie ahead. There was no break in action as the second implement seemed to take over without hesitation. A well used implement recently, it was the leather strap.
Keping with the same slow and steady pace, the strap lashed my red cheeks without delay. The only difference was the target was now increased to include my upper thighs and the crease between. Soon, the entire spanking area was ablaze with the pain from the strap. Varying the force, some lashes caused a loud yelp from me as the strapping seemed relentless. Different angles made sure my cheeks, sit spots and thighs were all being lashed effectively by the leather strap. Near the end of this 5 minute segment, my eyes began to tear and I'm sure my ass was as red as can be. After she was satisfied I had been sufficiently strapped, she dropped that toy but continued to spank my ass with her bare hands. Both hands on both cheeks for several minutes, made sure the sting was a lasting one. My heart sank as I realized what the final implement was.... the rubber paddle.
No need to describe this paddle except to say rubber implements bring spanking to a whole new level. She returned to the method used early on, a slow steady tempo with the strikes landing in the center of each cheek. In less than one minute she had me howling after each swat met my flesh. My well spanked red cheeks were no match for the smooth, heavy, conveyor belt material of the paddle. Tears and howls did not defray the steady stream of her paddling my ass. A bit of squirming was halted by the placement of her hand on my back just above my cheeks. The minutes dragged by as the paddling continued until she halted and said I was very red. Information I did not need to hear as I slowly stood. Befoe I could turn to thank her, she said, 'just a second' and delivered a dozen hard swats while I was standing. Six on each cheek, sort of a send off until next time. After a proper thank you, I tossed the dice. The next time would be Saturday as I rolled a '3'. I thanked her again and put the toys away.
I sincerely thank all readers, new or established for their support. The blog only exists for your information and enjoyment. You too can become a part of it by leaving a comment or asking a question. Each will be individually answered as soon as possible. Hope to see everyone after my maintenance spanking on Saturday.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Leather and Wood for Maintenance

Tuesday, August 13, A morning spanking started the day. Just after finishing my morning and breakfast chores, I was set to catch up on computer and banking issues in my office. She was busy too, but I was unaware of what she was doing. After making the bed, I set out the wedge pillow to remind us both that today was maintenance day.
In no time at all she appeared at my office door fully dressed and ready for a quick shopping trip. "Before I leave", she said, "I'm going to spank you". I immediately obeyed and went to the bedroom. She had laid out 3 implements next to the pillow I had placed, so I climbed over the wedge leaving my bare ass high and vulnerable. I stayed in position for several minutes before she arrived and began to deliver my due maintenance. A barrage of mild spanks and some hard ones warmed my cheeks and prepared them for the serious spanking which was about to begin with the flexible leather paddle.
A great implement featuring a two-sided attack and a pefrect size for paddling. The fur side provides a good thud along with a pleasent soft feel while delivering a solid swat. The smooth leather side can really sting either a single cheek or both together. She incorporated all the facets while soundly paddling my ass. Varying the force along with the tempo and switching sides of the paddle, she treated me to a long segment covering my cheeks, sit spots and upper thighs. Many minutes passed as she paddled with me holding position and adding a few yelps. A few hard hand spanks separated the paddling from the next implement... the leather slapper.
Another short implement which delivers sting from both sides. One side is smooth leather, much like the paddle, but much smaller. Impact is on a smaller area, increasing the sting about two-fold over the paddle. The other side is cut into fringe, much like a smaller flogger but much shorter and stings like hell. Again, she used both sides with a seemless change in force and tempo. The slapper does just that... slaps bare flesh bringing a red color and bee sting like pain to the surface of the skin. Again, all the area from mid-thigh to top of cheek got a long segment of slapping leather. Several minutes of slapping had me worn down a bit and was not ready for the few but very hard hand spanks that signalled the change in implements. I had been very well stung and now she was about to make sure the deep tissue would be sore for days. She chose the purse paddle for this task.
Before beginning, she pulled my hips back about 6 inches, sliding my torso across the pillow and presenting my ass further into the room. Now red and sore, I was about to have the deep tissue bruised courtesy of the cherry wood purse paddle. She left the cover on for the first minute or so, but I could still feel the thud going to the deep tissue of my cheeks. Soon the cover came off and the smooth wood stung the surface and delivered pain deep into my ass. She adopted a steady slow tempo with hard strikes on alternating cheeks. Within no time I was yelping with each swat. Soon my eyes were welling and tears forming. Yelps turned to howls as she continued to paddle my ass with authority. Swat after swat landed hard the segment seemed endless. She slowed and finally ceased saying my cheeks were crimson and she was going to back off for now. I weakly stood and thanked her for a good maintenance spanking. The dice toss was next and it scheduled Sunday by showing a "4" when coming to a rest. She went off shopping and I viewed my well spanked crimson ass in the mirror.
Thanking my readers is the right thing to do and I will contimue after every episode. You are very welcome and actually encouraged to leave a comment or suggestion. You may also ask any question you wish about me or my maintenance spankings. Take advantage of your opportunity to become part of this blog. See you all after I get spanked on Sunday.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Spanked For Maintenance

Friday, August 9, Maintenance due and delivered. The dice roll on Sunday was a 4 and Friday morning I placed the wedge pillow out for a reminder as we both had agressive schedules this week and of course another Dr. appointment and test for me on Wednesday. On Thursday, while working in the yard, she sustained a slight injury to her index finger on the right hand. Saying is would be fine she agreed to spank me this evening. About 8:30, she felt the time was right and directed me to get ready. She has assembled 4 implements next to the wedge pillow and I draped my nude self over the edge with my ass stuck out. The warm up was normal, mild swats morphing into a firm bare hand spanking. Nicely pink, my cheeks awaited the first of the implements....The riding bat.
The wide leather tip stung right from the first swat. She used a quick tempo and medium force to sting the cheeks, the crease and the upper thighs as I held position. Time passed and the relentless stinging had my ass quite sore. Then with a slight change, she began to use the shaft of the bat like a crop or cane. Straight lines of pain crossed both cheeks as I began to yelp. Not sure if welts were raised, but when she returned to the stinking with the leather tip, the lines seemed to increase in pain. Another brief burst of the rapid fire stinging closed out the first segment and I took a breath before the next implement made its appearance.
The leather strap was again pressed into service as it was in the prior two maintenance sessions. No holding back as she lashed my red and striped cheeks. I yelped after each strike as the leather met flesh. I may have quirmed a bit, but for the most part remained still to accept the strapping. Time seemed to slow as the strapping continued. Yelps became nearly constant as the tempo was fast and hard. My ass was being spanked and spanked soundly. Cheeks had been stung and strapped and now were set to be paddled as two paddles still lie next to me. First up was the patent leather paddle.
Do not let the beauty and innocent look of this implement fool you. The steel spine running from the tip of the paddle to the end of the handle provides the ability to deliver a sound paddling as my ass was about to find out. Nothing fancy, just straight hard swats across both cheeks made my yelps return. After a brief time, I could tell the swats were becoming lighter, but still firm enough to turn the cheeks more red and sore. This short segment ended with a quick hard burst. I could tell her hand was hurting her but not to the point of ending the spanking. She grasped the final toy and I shuttered.... it was the purse paddle.
Polished cherry wood nearly 1/2 inch thick, this small paddle was one of the most feared toys in our bag. Quick swats on alternating cheeks had me howling and struggling to hold position. I knew better than to squirm or she would have used my balls to hold me still. I took the hard swats and was glad when she said, my hand just can't hold any more implements. The brief hard paddling ended and I thought the session did as well. She then climed up on the bed and directed me over her lap. A solid hand spanking ensued using both hands and lasted about two minutes. She apologized for the short session citing her injured hand. I climbed down, kissed and thanked her and tossed the dice. It tumbled across the floor and displayed a '3' when it came to rest. Tuesday was scheduled and she said her hand would be better by then. I noticed the clock and only 15 minutes had elapsed, yet I felt sufficiently spanked.
A big thank you goes out to all readers. More thanks to those who improve the blog with some input of their own. It is easy and fun to leave a comment or question. Become a part of the blog and the fun by asking a question or making a comment. Hope to hear from some more of you and will see everyone after the next maintenance spanking.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

A Two-Part Maintenance

Sunday, August 4, Maintenance Day. As prescribed by the dice roll after the last spanking, today I was to be spanked. She told me to set up and after morrning chores and while I was making the bed, I placed the wedge pillow for a spanking. This does not happen often, but she also told me to pick out 3 implements, but no wood yet. I took a tip from reader Nora-Jane and brought out the leather strap. Next I chose something I like myself, the leather belt. For the final choice I took the rubber paddle.....just because I felt my ass could use a sound paddling. The warm up consisted of the traditional bare hand spanking. The first half was single hand on alternating cheeks, sit spots and upper thighs. Most spanks were medium but a fairly quick tempo warmed my cheeks quickly. For the second half, she switched to both hands and limited the swats to my cheeks. She did up the force a notch and within no time she had my entire ass warm and red. The spanking was about to begin and the three implements were next to me at the ready.
Thanks Nora-Jane for your suggestion and upon the first lash of the leather strap, I thought of you. This is the same old strap, waiting to be retired by the construction of a new one. Still able to deliver a good strapping, tanning the flesh of a vulnerable bare ass. Hard lashes from different angles highlighted this segment as she literally whipped my ass vertically, and horizontally, single cheek and double cheek strikes rained down for several minutes. I struggled to hold position but was hell bent to take the punishment of the implements I chose. With no discernable break in tempo, she changed from strap to belt. Mostly what this means is her stance is now further away from me. With the longer handle of the belt she can swing in a wider, harder motion than with the relatively short handle of the strap. After the first lash and involuntary yelp, I clenched my jaw and stuck my ass out further as an invitation for her to belt me good. Lashes on alternating cheeks and then horizontal ones covering both cheeks I was getting a good belting. The doubled, two inch wide leather slapped loudly in the room backed up by yelps escaping thru tight teeth. Several minutes passed before another seamless change of implements. The rubber paddle insisted on delivering a hard paddling and I comforted myself by thinking, 'you wanted this, now take it'. Rapid fire medium paddle strikes lasted about 3 minutes before changing to harder, single cheek swats. Louder yelps changed to howls as I was getting the paddling I had asked for. My ass was very hot and sore a few minutes later when she slowed and finally stopped the paddling. "You are very red but I am not finished" she said. "Leave the pillow in place and I will spank you again later today". I stammered out a yes Ma'am and tottered away to check a mirror. Crimson cheeks smiled back at my stare and I thought about part two.
A nice visit to the outdoor market shortly after the spanking. Of course I had to attend with a red, sore ass and commando. The rest of the day was uneventful until after dinner when she said to get into position, she was ready to finish the maintenance spanking. The wedge pillow was still in place from the morning session, but she had changed out some of the implements. The leather strap was still present, but the rubber paddle was replaced with the flexible leather paddle, so I knew I would again be strapped and paddled. The belt was gone and the riding bat had taken its place. My cheeks were going to get a good sting from that toy.
The warm up phase consisted of bare hand swats to my ass, the crease and upper thighs. Soon she had the entire area warm and pink. I reset myself and stuck my ass out to meet the first implement, now in her hand...the leather strap. Its first lash brought back the recent memory of this mornings strapping. A repeat performance, she strapped both cheeks, both sit spots and both thighs and the pain level grew, I held position. The strap was landing on my bare flesh repeatedly with a loud slap echoing in the room. A yelp followed each strike with no time to process the pain before a following lash stung my ass. Several minutes dragged by while I took a good strapping. Quite a difference in feeling when the flexible leather paddle took over the task of spanking me. She used both sides of the implement, fur and smooth leather, providing a thud result from the fur and a sharp sting from the leather. By now my cheeks were red and quite sore. Still the paddling continued while I struggled to keep still. Different angles of strikes made sure every inch of my thighs, sit spots and full cheeks were being soundly paddled. I guess I began to suquirm a bit near the end of the paddleing segment, and she was not going to accept that. Upon resting the paddle her left hand reached under my hips and grasped a handfull of balls, then squeezed and twisted. Her right hand began a hard and fast hand spanking. A two minute ripid fire spanking can deliver many swats to your ass especially when being held motionless by your balls. My lesson learned, I vowed to stay still for the final implement, the riding bat. She swung in thru the air a few times and the swish was a menacing sound. When the leather tip made contact is was like an angry hornet. I couldn't move, but I could yelp and let one go after each bee sting like strike. My ass took many many hard swats about 3 seconds apart. Covering my entire cheeks, she moved to sit spots and thighs. The riding bat was stinging like hell as my cheeks were already bright red and very sore. When she removed her grip on my balls, she left my legs open just enough for the tip of the riding bat to strike my balls and anus. Several minutes of the bat left nothing unspanked. When she finished, I stood and hugged, kissed and thanked for for a thorough maintenance spanking. She put the toys away while I tossed the dice. Bouncing off two walls, the cube came to rest displaying a '4' on top. That means Friday, I said and she agreed with a 'Be Ready' and a nice smile.
A big thank you goes out to all readers, new and established. Enjoy the blog even more by leaving a question or comment. Suggestions are welcome too. Be a part of the fun and perhaps find out something you have been wondering about. I will be spanked for maintenance again on Friday, stop back for that episode.