Saturday, June 29, 2024

Maintenance Away From Home

Tuesday, June 18, spanked after breakfast. A short recap of the last few days may be in order. I was given a token spanking on the night before we left, but not a full maintenance session. Thursday morning up and out enroute to Ohio. A stop just north of Cincinnati before arriving at the RR track near Coshocton which would be our home for the next extended weekend. Camping at the track was cramped and finding a time or place for a spanking just was not possible. Leaving there Monday morning heading north to Michigan, we again stopped at a hotel. A great nights sleep drifted into morning and we dressed for breakfast, then returned to our room. Deciding, with several factors in play, we planned another day and night in Ann Arbor. Back in our room, it was not long before she told me to get out of my clothes and over her lap. The spanking of my bare ass was only seconds away. Across her lap with ass facing the ceiling, I now learned of the toys she had packed for the trip. The spanking began as usual with a hand warm up segment....this one seemed to last quite long and I felt I would be over her lap for some time. Finally, the first implement became known as it landed on my bare, but warm cheeks. The leather Strap.
The same leather strap that has been used on me since the beginning or our FLR. A new leather strap is being made, but the 'old reliable' still lets a bare cheek know who is boss. Beginning with rapid fire medium swats, the strap quickly turned pink cheeks to red. Many occasional hard lashes took their toll as I gritted my teeth and accepted the strapping. Alternating cheeks and changing from medium rapid fire swats to stinging hard lashes, the strapping lasted several minutes. With no pause, she was ready with the next implement wether I was or not, the rubber paddle was in her hands.
I felt the first swat from the rubber paddle land on my left cheek causing a yelp. The second was a duplicate but on the right side. The stinging swats continued to land on my upturned bare ass as I lay immobile, being spanked. The rubber paddle was following the same procedure as the strap... rapid fire medium swats with occasionally a hard one which sends fire into the flesh and a louder yelp into the room. Recoiling is nearly impossible with the modified OTK position and with no pause in the onslaught of paddle strokes, one simply takes the spanking as best as possible. A solid paddling resulted in yelps dying into the mattress and tears absorbed into a pillow. The paddle rested, but the spanking was far from over as the hairbrush was at the ready.
A hairbrush is a traditional spanking implement and ours holds up its share of the reputation. The smooth wood back does a find job of spanking a bare ass, especially after both cheeks have been strapped, paddled and are red and sore. Tears had already been shed and my position was still immobile, so the hair brush had no goal except to continue the OTK maintenance session. She spanked my cheeks, sit spots and upper thighs with rapid fire and slow hard swats as I howled and deposited more tears into the large moist spot on a pillow. Several minutes dragged by as I took a sound spanking from the hair brush. When it finally stopped, I felt perhaps the session would end, but her bare hand had other ideas. A good hand spanking segment is always a welcome addition to any spanking and she was making sure this was one to remember. The entire area, already well spanked was getting more. She unloaded the entire amount with no pause as I lay motionless, tearing and yelping while the spanks fell. After many minutes she ceased the hand spanking, but used her bare hand to rub my cheeks and I must admit it was very soothing. She said she really liked me over her lap and that my red ass was very inviting.... how about a little more?? I stammered out a 'whatever you want, Ma'am, hoping she was just teasing.... she was not. Each of the implements was invited back to give each cheek 10 more hard swats. I howled as the toys gave my ass 30 hard swats as a send off. She unclenched her thighs, releasing my cock from her vice grip and allowed me to escape the OTK position. I kissed her deeply and thanked her for a very sound maintenance spanking. She did not pack dice and said we will do the best we can for the rest of the trip.
Readers, I apologize for the long delay in posting this episode and someday may further explain the unbelievable balance of this ill-fated trip. We are home now and I finally can finally get this episode into print. Do not follow my lead and get out the questions or comments without delay. Each will be addressed in a timely manner. They continue to be your opportunity to be a part of the blog and I do appreciate each and every one. Not sure about the next spanking as I am due for a Tuesday morning Dr. appointment and will not know anything until after that. Hope to see you all again right here very soon.


  1. YESSSSSSSS!!!!! Finally, properly spanked!! She packed great weapons of ass destruction!!

    1. Thanks to Nora-Jane for her comments. Some key words there, Nora-Jane, 'Finally', yes, it was a long wait. Imagine my excitement that morning when she told me to get out of my clothes and over her lap. "Properly Spanked', for sure, OTK is a very traditional and proper method to administer a spanking. I might also add it is a way to give a very sound spanking, especially with the modified OTK position we use, along with her 'cock lock', my ass is immobile and very vulnerable. The toys she packed were perfect; leather, rubber and wood for a variety of impact, all short handles for packing ease. All designed for 'ass destruction' and each used twice for a thorough spanking.
