Sunday, July 21, 2024

Her Birthday, I Get Spanked.

Sunday, July 21, Ms Mirage's Birthday. Another apology and explanation of the medical issues which seem to have befallen me this year. A heart issue necessitated an A-fib jump start, followed by a week in the hospital. Other issues were brought to the forefront and I just have not been myself for several months now. Recently, I have been schedulled for another surgery in September. Obviously Ms Mirage has not allowed any spankings for some time now, but felt today I need and should be spanked. Eager to deliver her birthday spanks, late afternoon saw me stripped, placed over the wedge pillow, ass out and ready to accept her birthday swats. The bare hand warm up began and ended with a nice warming of my cheeks. It was time for the birthday/maintenance spanking to start and the first of 3 implements was in her hand.
The riding bat swished thru the air and cracked its first contact on my right cheek. Using a fairly quick tempo, solid swats landed lower on my cheek, then across the sit spot and on down my thigh to just above the back of my knee. A change of legs saw my left leg receive the same treatment but in reverse. Up my thigh and winding up stinging my left cheek. No break in cadence or force, the bat went again to the right cheek and on down the thigh. Stinging swats covered both cheeks and thighs until she had delivered the birthday amount of swats to each leg. She pulled my hips back a bit which stuck my ass out further and grabbed the second of the 3 implements. The spanking was about to continue.
My old friend, the doubled belt was about to sing Happy Birthday to my ass. Standing behind me she unleached a steady barrage of solid lashes with the 2 inch wide leather on alternating cheeks. The thighs and sit spots were left alone as she concentrated on landing each lash of the belt dead center of each cheek. I began to yelp with each strike, but held position as the lashes landed with seemingly increasing force. The belting continued until each cheek has taken the full amount of her age as of today. I regrouped my thoughts and while she went for the final implement and stuck my ass out as far as possible. It has been a long since the last spanking, I needed a spanking, I wanted one, she wanted to deliver her birthday swats to me, I wanted to accept them and presented my ass accordingly. The final implement did not disappoint as the finale began.
The broad sword paddle was cocked and ready to meet flesh. Where both the previous toys used the single cheek approach, the size of this paddle easily covers both cheeks at once. Standing at my left side, she could swing the implement horizontally landing swats across my ass like a Louisville Slugger. I tried to count, but after about 10 or so, I lost concentration in the solid pain of each strike. The count drifted into yelps and then the yelps into howls. A stationary target, my ass could do nothing but absorb each strike as I teared into the pillow. Many swats landed before she paused just long enough to tell me I was half way home. The slow and steady tempo droned on as she paddled my cheeks soundly. I could not imagine taking more, but the session seemed to go on forever. Finally the steel reinforced leather paddle made its last contact. I stood, wished her a Happy Birthday and thanked her for a wonderful spanking.
More appointments dot our calendar, but we tossed the dice anyway, knowing fully a reschedule my be necessary. Fittingly, I rolled a 'ONE' meaning another spanking on Tuesday. We will be playing things by ear for awhile, readers and I hope to see you all soon for the next maintenance session. I will however be answering your questions and comments. Leave some and get you individual answer. See you all soon.


  1. Glad to hear you are feeling well enough to receive a good beating. My wife's birthday is next week and I am willing and ready to receive her birthday spanking.

    1. Thanks for you comment and the info, MRBILL. Always a treat for us to take the spanks for our Dominant wives. I was pleased with the spanking she delivered and I'm sure you will feel the same next week. Do stop back and let us all know how things went.

  2. Happy birthday to your Mistress!!! I love the way you did not reveal her age. Good man.
    I'm SOOOOOO glad you finally got spanked!! Good implements, too!!
    Work on getting better, cowboy. HUGS!!

    1. Thanks to Nora-Jane for the comments and good wishes. The leather implements were a good choice for this spanking... I wonder what she will choose next time....hmmmmm. I will say, double her age is a fair amount over 100 and each implement got the double amount, so astute readers can estimate fairly close to the total number of swats landing on my ass.
