Monday, June 3, 2024

A Birthday-Maintenance Spanking

Monday, June 3, my Birthday and the first spanking in several weeks. A quick note about that. I have been down and out the past few weeks with a double dose of trouble. A rib/back injury made any movement nearly impossible and 24 hour pain. That was coupled with an issue caused by two medications not playing well together resulting in the tear up of my entire digestive track. Unable to sleep or eat for some time, I lost over 13 pounds, but now am on the mend. Enough about that, earlier today she asked me if I felt up to a spanking on my birthday. I agreed and off I went to a chiropractor appointment and returned for a good breakfast. Following that it was all business as she said to shed all my clothes and get into position as I was about to be spanked. Lying next to the wedge pillow were 7 implements. It had been determined that if the implements delivered a certain number of swats each, it would equal my age as of today. As I took position and stuck my ass into the line of fire I glanced at the implement row and saw the big wood paddle, the flexible leather paddle, the patent leather paddle, the broad sword paddle, the hairbrush, the doubled leather belt and the riding bat.
By now, most readers are aware of the atributes of each implement and how every one is designed to deliver a sound but different spanking to a bare ass. She started with a bare hand segment to warm up my cheeks. Then, in no particular order, each device was unleashed to send the prescribed number of solid swats to my bare ass. One after the other, the implements delivered their birthday swats. No pause in between, the swats began to add up to my age. My cheeks felt on fire, but I could discern the unique difference of each one as they spanked my ass.
Reaching the magic number, she wished me a Happy Birthday. I began to move a bit, but felt her hand on my back just above my cheeks pushing downward. She was telling how much fun that spanking was and felt we should do it again. I thought she meant later in the day, but no, she meant right now. The Magnificant Seven still lay in place beside my spanked bare ass. Again in no particular, each implement was granted a second session of spanking. Of course, it seemed a bit harder this time around. By the time all seven had had their say, my cheeks were ablaze and she again wished me a Happy Birthday. I thanked her with hugs and kisses for some time before I asked about the dice. Don't bother she said and reminded me we are having guests from New York for a few days. This was just for your birthday, when they leave, she said, you are getting a real spanking. I thought.... something to look forward to as my cheeks heal up.
A big thank you to readers during the long delay in my posting on the blog. Take this opportunity to leave a comment or question or both and receive your answer right here on these pages. It is your chance to become part of the blog and add to the fun. See you all in a few days.


  1. Happy birthday!!!
    I'm so glad you're feeling better!
    Also glad the rubber slapper wasn't in the arsenal!

  2. Thanks Nora-Jane for the comment and the birthday wish. There were no rubber implements use in this session. Perhaps due to the limited number of swats or because I had not been spanked in about a month. For either reason, my cheeks dodged the extreme pain of rubber implements. I am expecting a full spanking next time which could occur at any time.

  3. Happy Birthday! Birthday spankings can be a gateway to a life of spankings, although I sadly can not even plan on a birthday spanking.
    In the past we did birthday spankings like you had with multiple implements and sometimes did the spankings spread over the body front and back with a certain count on each body part ass to tits and everything in between.

    1. Thanks for the belated birthday wish and your comments. Birthday spanking have always been present here and I have received them from several females. I have to take their spanks for them on their birthdays too. Your concept of spanks all over the body sounds interesting too.
