Saturday, June 29, 2024

Maintenance Away From Home

Tuesday, June 18, spanked after breakfast. A short recap of the last few days may be in order. I was given a token spanking on the night before we left, but not a full maintenance session. Thursday morning up and out enroute to Ohio. A stop just north of Cincinnati before arriving at the RR track near Coshocton which would be our home for the next extended weekend. Camping at the track was cramped and finding a time or place for a spanking just was not possible. Leaving there Monday morning heading north to Michigan, we again stopped at a hotel. A great nights sleep drifted into morning and we dressed for breakfast, then returned to our room. Deciding, with several factors in play, we planned another day and night in Ann Arbor. Back in our room, it was not long before she told me to get out of my clothes and over her lap. The spanking of my bare ass was only seconds away. Across her lap with ass facing the ceiling, I now learned of the toys she had packed for the trip. The spanking began as usual with a hand warm up segment....this one seemed to last quite long and I felt I would be over her lap for some time. Finally, the first implement became known as it landed on my bare, but warm cheeks. The leather Strap.
The same leather strap that has been used on me since the beginning or our FLR. A new leather strap is being made, but the 'old reliable' still lets a bare cheek know who is boss. Beginning with rapid fire medium swats, the strap quickly turned pink cheeks to red. Many occasional hard lashes took their toll as I gritted my teeth and accepted the strapping. Alternating cheeks and changing from medium rapid fire swats to stinging hard lashes, the strapping lasted several minutes. With no pause, she was ready with the next implement wether I was or not, the rubber paddle was in her hands.
I felt the first swat from the rubber paddle land on my left cheek causing a yelp. The second was a duplicate but on the right side. The stinging swats continued to land on my upturned bare ass as I lay immobile, being spanked. The rubber paddle was following the same procedure as the strap... rapid fire medium swats with occasionally a hard one which sends fire into the flesh and a louder yelp into the room. Recoiling is nearly impossible with the modified OTK position and with no pause in the onslaught of paddle strokes, one simply takes the spanking as best as possible. A solid paddling resulted in yelps dying into the mattress and tears absorbed into a pillow. The paddle rested, but the spanking was far from over as the hairbrush was at the ready.
A hairbrush is a traditional spanking implement and ours holds up its share of the reputation. The smooth wood back does a find job of spanking a bare ass, especially after both cheeks have been strapped, paddled and are red and sore. Tears had already been shed and my position was still immobile, so the hair brush had no goal except to continue the OTK maintenance session. She spanked my cheeks, sit spots and upper thighs with rapid fire and slow hard swats as I howled and deposited more tears into the large moist spot on a pillow. Several minutes dragged by as I took a sound spanking from the hair brush. When it finally stopped, I felt perhaps the session would end, but her bare hand had other ideas. A good hand spanking segment is always a welcome addition to any spanking and she was making sure this was one to remember. The entire area, already well spanked was getting more. She unloaded the entire amount with no pause as I lay motionless, tearing and yelping while the spanks fell. After many minutes she ceased the hand spanking, but used her bare hand to rub my cheeks and I must admit it was very soothing. She said she really liked me over her lap and that my red ass was very inviting.... how about a little more?? I stammered out a 'whatever you want, Ma'am, hoping she was just teasing.... she was not. Each of the implements was invited back to give each cheek 10 more hard swats. I howled as the toys gave my ass 30 hard swats as a send off. She unclenched her thighs, releasing my cock from her vice grip and allowed me to escape the OTK position. I kissed her deeply and thanked her for a very sound maintenance spanking. She did not pack dice and said we will do the best we can for the rest of the trip.
Readers, I apologize for the long delay in posting this episode and someday may further explain the unbelievable balance of this ill-fated trip. We are home now and I finally can finally get this episode into print. Do not follow my lead and get out the questions or comments without delay. Each will be addressed in a timely manner. They continue to be your opportunity to be a part of the blog and I do appreciate each and every one. Not sure about the next spanking as I am due for a Tuesday morning Dr. appointment and will not know anything until after that. Hope to see you all again right here very soon.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Paddled for Maintenance

Friday, June 7, Maintenance Day and a sound paddling administered. You may recall, Monday was my birthday and I got a double dose that morning as guests from NY were arriving later that day. Not an actual maintenance and Ms Mirage informed me I would be getting a real maintenance spanking after they left. Well, today was the day and following a late afternoon shower, great dinner, and short evening she said it was time 'somebody' got a good spanking. Needing no further direction, I marched myself to the bedroom where the wedge pillow was already in place. I draped my nude body over the pilow and stuck my ass out ready to receive the overdue spanking we both knew I needed. She was assembling tonight's implements next to me and with just a glance understood the key word in her statement of a good spanking was 'GOOD'. She began as always with a bare hand warm up to set the stage and prepare my ass for the forthcoming maintenance session. A fair duration of hand spanking ensued and soon she had both cheeks warmed and a rich pink color. She picked up the first implement and was set to begin the main event with the Flexible Leather Paddle.
. A double sided paddle with fur on one side, which gives a good thud and smooth leather on the other for maximum sting. The wood handle is long enough to give the business end a whip action for a solid strike. She stood directly behind me and swung the paddle back and forth using both sides for contact. My right cheek got the fur side and a thud while my left cheek was being stung with the smooth leather. No doubt the warming segment was over as each swat meant business. I held position, taking the first set of strikes before she flipped the paddle over. Now the right cheek was being stung while the left one experienced the thud of the fur side of the paddle. She pulled that switch several more times during the segment insuring both cheeks got a full dose of each side of the paddle. She changed her stance to my left side in order to deliver many full force straight on swats. The leather is long enough to cover both cheeks at once and she was paddling long and hard enough to cause moist eyes and a bit of squirming. A few minutes and many swats later the paddling ended and I took a deep breath. She was ready with the next implement quickly and I was about to meet the dreaded Purse Paddle.
It was difficult to judge which was louder, the 'smack' of cherry wood against my bare ass or the yelp which shot from my lips. No time to think about that either as the next swat landed with equal pain. A steady string of slow hard strokes drew tears and yelps with each swat. This little solid cherry wood paddle is very painful. It has a cover to provide a thud swat as well, but it was quite evident the cover was not to be used tonight. I began to move a bit and straightened up to relieve taughtness of the skin on my ass, which she allowed, but continued the slow tempo and hard strikes covering both cheeks from the top to the crease. There was no escape or variance as the paddling continued thru yelps and tears. No other way to describe the segment, I was being soundly spanked with a paddle I hated, but respected. Several minutes later, the final swat landed, after a good yelp, I slowly settled back down on the wedge pillow and tried to catch my breath. I knew the session was not over, reset my legs and bravely presented my ass for the last implement which she already had in her hand....The Rubber Paddle.
A short device made from solid, thick conveyor belt rubber is made to deliver maximum pain with a minimum of effort. Like the other rubber implements we own, it will give a high level of sting and deep tissue bruising and soreness you will feel for days. Contrary to the slow and hard swats from the purse paddle, she seemed to favor a quite firm, but rapid fire paddling. Covering one cheek at a time with bursts of rapid fire swats, within no time had me wishing the segment was over. Each cheek got several bursts of the stinging rubber paddle, then a pause which resulted in about 5 slow hard swats to the center of each cheek before returning to the rapid fire paddling method. This change repeated itself again and the pillow was absorbing a stream of tears and howls as I buried my face deep in its confines and held my ass still to accept the onslaught of the rubber paddle. A few more minutes elasped before she told me she would like to give me more, but mas ass was very red. None the less she proceeded to administer a short but hard bare hand spanking before finally calling the session over. I struggled to my feet, kissed and hugged her thanking her for a good maintenance spanking. Knowing we were leaving on Thursday, I suggested as an alternative to tossing the dice, a spanking on Wednesday. She said Wednesday will happen, but don't think for one minute I am not bringing some toys along as I am sure you will earn a spanking during our trip.
Here we go readers as it seems we are back to regular maintenance spankings. I encourage you to join the fun by leaving a comment or question. Suggestions too are welcome and remember another reader may benefit from your question as well. Thank you all for your support and with your readership, the blog will continue on. Enjoy the reading, and pass the link on to others you feel may enjoy it. See everyone after the next time I am bared and spanked for maintenance.

Monday, June 3, 2024

A Birthday-Maintenance Spanking

Monday, June 3, my Birthday and the first spanking in several weeks. A quick note about that. I have been down and out the past few weeks with a double dose of trouble. A rib/back injury made any movement nearly impossible and 24 hour pain. That was coupled with an issue caused by two medications not playing well together resulting in the tear up of my entire digestive track. Unable to sleep or eat for some time, I lost over 13 pounds, but now am on the mend. Enough about that, earlier today she asked me if I felt up to a spanking on my birthday. I agreed and off I went to a chiropractor appointment and returned for a good breakfast. Following that it was all business as she said to shed all my clothes and get into position as I was about to be spanked. Lying next to the wedge pillow were 7 implements. It had been determined that if the implements delivered a certain number of swats each, it would equal my age as of today. As I took position and stuck my ass into the line of fire I glanced at the implement row and saw the big wood paddle, the flexible leather paddle, the patent leather paddle, the broad sword paddle, the hairbrush, the doubled leather belt and the riding bat.
By now, most readers are aware of the atributes of each implement and how every one is designed to deliver a sound but different spanking to a bare ass. She started with a bare hand segment to warm up my cheeks. Then, in no particular order, each device was unleashed to send the prescribed number of solid swats to my bare ass. One after the other, the implements delivered their birthday swats. No pause in between, the swats began to add up to my age. My cheeks felt on fire, but I could discern the unique difference of each one as they spanked my ass.
Reaching the magic number, she wished me a Happy Birthday. I began to move a bit, but felt her hand on my back just above my cheeks pushing downward. She was telling how much fun that spanking was and felt we should do it again. I thought she meant later in the day, but no, she meant right now. The Magnificant Seven still lay in place beside my spanked bare ass. Again in no particular, each implement was granted a second session of spanking. Of course, it seemed a bit harder this time around. By the time all seven had had their say, my cheeks were ablaze and she again wished me a Happy Birthday. I thanked her with hugs and kisses for some time before I asked about the dice. Don't bother she said and reminded me we are having guests from New York for a few days. This was just for your birthday, when they leave, she said, you are getting a real spanking. I thought.... something to look forward to as my cheeks heal up.
A big thank you to readers during the long delay in my posting on the blog. Take this opportunity to leave a comment or question or both and receive your answer right here on these pages. It is your chance to become part of the blog and add to the fun. See you all in a few days.