Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Overdue Maintenance - Part 2 - Leather Paddles

Sunday, September 8 Part 2. Yesterday I received part 1 of this spanking and she told me to expect part 2 today. She got it going shortly after breakfast saying she wanted 24 hours for the effect to fade before my surgery on Monday. Telling me she saw no need for the entire hospital staff to be admiring my red, well spanked cheeks. Over the wedge pillow I went and presented my ass to be spanked. The warm up was lengthy and took longer than the entire short but hard session of yesterday. Single hand, both hands, one cheek, both cheeks, sit spots and thighs all got a good bare hand spanking. I was soon to learn that the segment for each of the implements would last as long, keeping me in position and spanked for well over 35 minutes. The three implements she laid out were all leather and I soon was greeted by the first one... The Patent Leather Paddle
Most readers are familiar with this device. Looks great yet can still deliver a good swat due to the steel spine. Instantly I could see there was to be no honeymoon portion of this segment as she paddled my full ass with several hard swats to begin. Covering both cheeks with these swats, she soon moved to striking one at a time. Many to my right side had me yelping in no time. Switching to the left side did not alter the yelping and I could feel my eyes welling up already. She did not slight the sit spots or the thighs, but most of the strikes went to my ass. Right side, left side and both together, she paddled me soundly. I did hold position but the yelping and some tears were unpreventable. I could feel the heat pouring off my ass as the segment ended and only a slight pause for her to get the second implement.....The Flexible Leather Paddle
A double sided implement, and I was getting both sides today. The fur side feels nice on tenderized skin while leaving some soreness in the deep tissue with a good solid thud. The smooth leather side stings with the best of them. Lightweight and with a moulded handle, she can use the paddle for quite a while. Which she did. The fur side began and was interjected a few times during the smooth leather segment. All in all a continuous 10 minute or so paddling resulted. Further adding to the yelps and tearing and though I may have squirmed a bit I resumed position quickly. She asked how I was holding up and I responded fine. She said good because NOW I am going to paddle you. With that she picked up the third implement...The Broad Sword Paddle.
No other way to describe this paddle than to say it was built for pain. Two heavy slabs of leather stiched around a steel spine. An ample length for covering both cheeks at once yet can be used very effectively on a single cheek. Wide enough to provide a good swat, yet able to strike the crease and thighs too. The first swat told me all I needed to know....I was in for a solid paddling. She struck both cheeks together several times before skillfully moving to single cheek strikes. A slightly upward motion landed perfectly on the sit spots and the upper thighs were not left out of the fun. Yelps turned to howls from the force and full tears flowed freely. Most of the strikes were horizontal across both cheeks. Even if the red color faded by tomorrow, the deep tissue soreness would last much longer. The paddling ended as quickly as it began, but the sting and soreness lingered on. Don't bother with the dice she said, as soon as you heal enough from the surgery, you're getting spanked again. Direceted to pick up the bedroom and finish my normal morning chores, I did so with a flameing red and sore ass.
Readers, enjoy reading this two-part episode and I am not sure when the next one will be. Leave comments, suggestions or questions as I will be able to answer during my recovery. Not only will you become a part of the blog, but it is fun too. Leaving you now but not for too long, I hope.


  1. Great googly moogly!! I bet your red butt was bobbing with a huge smile of your face!
    Does the broad sword paddle have a loud retort when it meets with flesh?

    1. Thanks to Nora-Jane for the insightful comments and questions. The chores got finished, the bottom was red and the smile broad. With the width and smooth blade of the broad sword paddle, it does leave a very loud contact noise. Not the implement to use in a hotel room or near anyone you don't want to hear the paddling.
