Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Overdue Maintenance - Part 2 - Leather Paddles

Sunday, September 8 Part 2. Yesterday I received part 1 of this spanking and she told me to expect part 2 today. She got it going shortly after breakfast saying she wanted 24 hours for the effect to fade before my surgery on Monday. Telling me she saw no need for the entire hospital staff to be admiring my red, well spanked cheeks. Over the wedge pillow I went and presented my ass to be spanked. The warm up was lengthy and took longer than the entire short but hard session of yesterday. Single hand, both hands, one cheek, both cheeks, sit spots and thighs all got a good bare hand spanking. I was soon to learn that the segment for each of the implements would last as long, keeping me in position and spanked for well over 35 minutes. The three implements she laid out were all leather and I soon was greeted by the first one... The Patent Leather Paddle
Most readers are familiar with this device. Looks great yet can still deliver a good swat due to the steel spine. Instantly I could see there was to be no honeymoon portion of this segment as she paddled my full ass with several hard swats to begin. Covering both cheeks with these swats, she soon moved to striking one at a time. Many to my right side had me yelping in no time. Switching to the left side did not alter the yelping and I could feel my eyes welling up already. She did not slight the sit spots or the thighs, but most of the strikes went to my ass. Right side, left side and both together, she paddled me soundly. I did hold position but the yelping and some tears were unpreventable. I could feel the heat pouring off my ass as the segment ended and only a slight pause for her to get the second implement.....The Flexible Leather Paddle
A double sided implement, and I was getting both sides today. The fur side feels nice on tenderized skin while leaving some soreness in the deep tissue with a good solid thud. The smooth leather side stings with the best of them. Lightweight and with a moulded handle, she can use the paddle for quite a while. Which she did. The fur side began and was interjected a few times during the smooth leather segment. All in all a continuous 10 minute or so paddling resulted. Further adding to the yelps and tearing and though I may have squirmed a bit I resumed position quickly. She asked how I was holding up and I responded fine. She said good because NOW I am going to paddle you. With that she picked up the third implement...The Broad Sword Paddle.
No other way to describe this paddle than to say it was built for pain. Two heavy slabs of leather stiched around a steel spine. An ample length for covering both cheeks at once yet can be used very effectively on a single cheek. Wide enough to provide a good swat, yet able to strike the crease and thighs too. The first swat told me all I needed to know....I was in for a solid paddling. She struck both cheeks together several times before skillfully moving to single cheek strikes. A slightly upward motion landed perfectly on the sit spots and the upper thighs were not left out of the fun. Yelps turned to howls from the force and full tears flowed freely. Most of the strikes were horizontal across both cheeks. Even if the red color faded by tomorrow, the deep tissue soreness would last much longer. The paddling ended as quickly as it began, but the sting and soreness lingered on. Don't bother with the dice she said, as soon as you heal enough from the surgery, you're getting spanked again. Direceted to pick up the bedroom and finish my normal morning chores, I did so with a flameing red and sore ass.
Readers, enjoy reading this two-part episode and I am not sure when the next one will be. Leave comments, suggestions or questions as I will be able to answer during my recovery. Not only will you become a part of the blog, but it is fun too. Leaving you now but not for too long, I hope.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Overdue Maintenance - Part 1

Saturday, Sept 7, Spanked, short but hard. A brief background. Wednesday was the schedulled maintenance day, but personal reasons got in the way. A death in our extended family and my impending surgery caused a multiple day postponement. Just as the college football game was about to begin she told me I was getting a short spanking right now with a second part tomorrow (Sunday). Reasoning that after the Monday surgery, I may be out of commision for several days. This information came with a warning that I would be uncomfortable watching the game. She had placed three menacing implements on the bed as I entered the room. Being in my normal attire of full nudity, I bent over the wedge pillow and waited for the hard spanking I was about to receive. The warm up was short as well as she spanked each cheek separately, soft then hard. The lead off implement was picked up and I stuck my ass out to meet the leather belt.
A loud report echoed in the room as the doubled belt was lashed hard across both cheeks. A yelp already and this was only the first swat. Several more followed as did the yelping even though I managed to hold position. She altered her stance and increased the force as each cheek was lashed individually. With horizontal swats, she struck left and right in an alternating attack. Both cheeks got continued attention until the were quite red. Then several more hard lashes across both cheeks until the brief segment eneded and my ass got a slight pause. Not long before the purse paddle was ready to pick up the spanking.
She left the cover on for the first set and although the cover muffles the sting, the solid cherry wood still sends soreness into the deep tissue of my ass. When the cover was removed, the smooth wood smacked my cheeks with a good paddling. I yelped and howled as she paddled both cheeks soundly with that cussed little paddle. I began to tear between yelps and felt my cheeks ablaze with pain and the deep tissue soreness was settling in. The purse paddle had left me a mass of abused flesh and exhausted. Not over yet as the worst was about to start.... she picked up the tawse.
The business end was split into two tongues and made of very heavy leather. Not much force was needed to deliver pain to the surface and soreness deep into the tissue. None the less, she unleashed quite a good swat across both cheeks. A howl was inevidable and I recoiled from the impact. She paused just a second and I knew what she was waiting for. I gathered my strength and stuck my ass back into position for more torment from that evil implement. Again and again it struck from the top of my cheeks down to the crease. Howling and tearing all the way, I kept my ass still for the onslaught of the tawse. The short segment and entire session drew to a close and I thanked her. She told me I was getting more tomorrow and for me to go and 'enjoy' sitting and watching the game. I watched, sitting gingerly on a very sore ass thinking to myself...'with the amount of points the Tennessee Volunteers were putting up, I am glad we did not use this game to direct my maintenance spanking'.
Readers, I thank you and enjoy this episode as part two is but hours away. Leave a comment or question and return on Sunday after I take the second part of my maintenance spanking. See you all then.

Monday, September 2, 2024

A Short Hard Maintenance

Saturday, August 31, A past due maintenance spanking. Scheduled for Friday by the roll of the dice, the spanking was pushed off one day. Mid morning I was finishing up with some bill paying when she came into the office and told me I was getting spanked before she ran her errands. I was nearly done and immediately went to the bedroom. She had set the scene, wedge pillow out, 3 implements ready and background music playing. I climbed over the pillow which presented my ass as a target. The bare handed warm up segment began without hesitation. Mild swats at first, followed buy some rapid fire, two handed spanks which warmed my cheeks nicely. The completion of the warm up was more like a full spanking. A slower tempo with much more force, she spanked my ass hard for about 3 minutes. I wiggled a bit as she took up the first implement..... The Leather Slapper
Used recently in the stinging spanking, the slapper picked up where the bare hand left off. With a back and forth motion, my cheeks were slapped repeatedly with both sides of the leather implement. Concentrating on the center of each cheek, she used the slapper with precise accuracy causing cherry red areas on my ass. Keeping time with the music, the segment went on for enough time to color each cheek from hip to crack and top to crease bright red. I was holding position as the short segment concluded with several flurries of rapid fire slaps from the double sided implement. Stinging and red, I waited a very short time for her to remove the cover from the next spanking device.... the Hair Brush.
A traditional spanking implement for sure and I believe next to the bare hand, more spankings have been delivered with a hair brush than any other implement through the years. Short, compact, various shapes, always available as every woman seems to have more than one, this implement can deliver a spanking to be feared. We have three and this is the largest of all of them. A smooth wood backed brush, it gives good sting and when used with more force can bring deep tissue soreness lasting for days. She laid into my ass from the first swat and within seconds I was yelping and my eyes were welling up. Cheeks, sit spots and thighs were spanked as I held still but yelped loudly with every swat. Tears broke thru squinted eyelids as the hair brush continued to soundly spank my bare ass. A short time later the segment ended and I took the brief pause to reset myself and breathe deeply. Wasting no time, she had the final implement in her hands.... the Doubled Leather Belt.
She patted my cheeks before drawing back the belt fully and let go a swing that lashed the double, two inch wide leather across both cheeks. I howled and realized I was in for a solid belting. Several more swats landed horizontally across both cheeks before she altered her position and began to lash each cheek alternately with hard swats. Howling, while full tears were absorbed into the pillow. I knew this would add to the deep tissue soreness left from the hairbrush. The three plus minute segment seemed much longer and when she finally gave me the last one, I knew my ass had been soundly spanked. I go to my feet, hugged and kissed her. Thanked her for a good maintenance spanking. She told me to put away the toys and straighten out the bed. I tossed the dice and gave her the result as she was leaving the room. The roll was a '3' and I said 'Wednesday' as she left saying she would be ready for me then.
Readers get thanked after each episode and justifiably so as the blog would cease to exist wittout their continued support. Be a part of it and leave a comment or suggestion. Ask a question about any part of the episode and each will receive an answer right here on this page. Fun and educational, your input is a big part of the blog. Join in and leave your thoughts so all can benefit. Hope to see you all back right here following my next maintenance spanking.