Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Strapped and Paddled for a MNF Maintenance

Monday, September 23, Spanked for maintenance during the football game. After my spanking on Saturday, she said more would follow, perhaps on Sunday. That slipped to Monday. I learned early that there was no doubt I was going to be spanked. As the day passed, after dinner we settled in to watch the Monday Night NFL game. It was decided my spanking was to be directed by the game between the Cincinnati Bengals and the Washington Commanders. Two implements were ready before kickoff. I quickly learned which implement belonged to each team as the Bengals scored early in the first quarter. I was directed to stand against the wall, ass out as she picked up the Cincinnatti implement.... The Rubber Strap.
The Touchdown netted me 6 strokes with the strap, when they were successful with the Extra Point, I took 7 more lashes from the strap. I sat back down on tender cheeks and thanked her. The game continued and by the end of the first quarter, the Commanders had scored to tie the game at 7. After their touchdown, I stood about a foot from the wall, legs parted to shoulder width, forearms against the wall and ass presented to take the six swats with the Washington implement... The Broad Sword Paddle
The heavy leather, backed with a steel spine, smacked my bare cheeks six times. By now the Extra Point was good and 7 more swats echoed in the room. I knew a high scoring game with these two implements would guarantee a very sore ass. The second quarter saw much scoring beginning with another touchdown from Washington, taking a 14 to 7 advantage. 13 more paddle swats accounted for the Touchdown, closely followed by 14 more for the Extra Point. The Bengals answered with a Field Goal and I found myself presenting my ass for 10 lashes with the rubber strap. More scoring as the Commanders marched down the field for another touchdown. Back up to the wall, my protuded ass took 20 swats after the Touchdown and 21 additional as the Extra Point was good. Cincinnatti managed another field goal before the first half ended with the score 21 to 13 in favor of Washington. Another strapping of 13 lashes followed the Bengals Field Goal. HALFTIME... Refilled our drinks and ate a snack before the third quarter began. Each team scored a Touchdown and a successful Extra Point during this quarter. I visited the wall after each score, taking 27 swats from the paddle for the Commanders Touchdown followed by 28 more for the Extra Point. The trip to the wall following the score by Cincinnatti was the similar, 19 lashes of the rubber strap for the TD and 20 more for the Extra Point. Red cheeks were the scene as the fourth quarter opened up with a Field Goal by Washington That kick cost me a trip to the wall for 31 swats from the broad sword paddle. Far from over, the scoring continued with a Bengals Touchdown costing me 26 lashes with the strap. I was spared this time as they missed the try for an extra point. Washington was not finished and posted another Touchdown with a good Extra Point. That finished their scoring and I taseded the paddle for the final time. Now it was 37 swats for the Touchdown with another 38 swats as the ball went between the uprights for the last score of the Commanders. The Bengals mounted a strong bid to take the game away with a late score of their own and I had to absorb 32 lashes from the strap for the Touchdown and 33 more for the Extra Point. They tried on 'on-side' kick to give them another shot at winning, but it was recovered by Washington and the game ended. It was bed time, I put my red and sore cheeks between the sheets and slept very well. The next morning I asked about tossing the dice to schedule the next maintenance session, but she declined saying I was getting more spankings very soon. We shall see how that works out.
Many thanks to all readers, new and established, for your continued support. Be sure to increase your involvement by leaving a question for me. Comments and suggestions are welcome as well and individual responses will be posted right here. It is your opportunity to become part of the blog and the fun. I will see all of your after my next maintenance spanking.


  1. OMG!! The rubber strap appears again!! That was a good game! Not for your butt, though.
    Now that you've clarified the scoring I can appreciate the game even more!
    Glad you're healing well, too.

    1. A big thank you to Nora-Jane for her continued support and comments. The strap and paddle made a great 'ONE-TWO' punch. Scoring is cumulative and for high scoring games, the swats add up. Cincinnati and the strap delivered 166 lashes while the Commanders and the paddle struck my ass 242 times.
