Monday, September 2, 2024

A Short Hard Maintenance

Saturday, August 31, A past due maintenance spanking. Scheduled for Friday by the roll of the dice, the spanking was pushed off one day. Mid morning I was finishing up with some bill paying when she came into the office and told me I was getting spanked before she ran her errands. I was nearly done and immediately went to the bedroom. She had set the scene, wedge pillow out, 3 implements ready and background music playing. I climbed over the pillow which presented my ass as a target. The bare handed warm up segment began without hesitation. Mild swats at first, followed buy some rapid fire, two handed spanks which warmed my cheeks nicely. The completion of the warm up was more like a full spanking. A slower tempo with much more force, she spanked my ass hard for about 3 minutes. I wiggled a bit as she took up the first implement..... The Leather Slapper
Used recently in the stinging spanking, the slapper picked up where the bare hand left off. With a back and forth motion, my cheeks were slapped repeatedly with both sides of the leather implement. Concentrating on the center of each cheek, she used the slapper with precise accuracy causing cherry red areas on my ass. Keeping time with the music, the segment went on for enough time to color each cheek from hip to crack and top to crease bright red. I was holding position as the short segment concluded with several flurries of rapid fire slaps from the double sided implement. Stinging and red, I waited a very short time for her to remove the cover from the next spanking device.... the Hair Brush.
A traditional spanking implement for sure and I believe next to the bare hand, more spankings have been delivered with a hair brush than any other implement through the years. Short, compact, various shapes, always available as every woman seems to have more than one, this implement can deliver a spanking to be feared. We have three and this is the largest of all of them. A smooth wood backed brush, it gives good sting and when used with more force can bring deep tissue soreness lasting for days. She laid into my ass from the first swat and within seconds I was yelping and my eyes were welling up. Cheeks, sit spots and thighs were spanked as I held still but yelped loudly with every swat. Tears broke thru squinted eyelids as the hair brush continued to soundly spank my bare ass. A short time later the segment ended and I took the brief pause to reset myself and breathe deeply. Wasting no time, she had the final implement in her hands.... the Doubled Leather Belt.
She patted my cheeks before drawing back the belt fully and let go a swing that lashed the double, two inch wide leather across both cheeks. I howled and realized I was in for a solid belting. Several more swats landed horizontally across both cheeks before she altered her position and began to lash each cheek alternately with hard swats. Howling, while full tears were absorbed into the pillow. I knew this would add to the deep tissue soreness left from the hairbrush. The three plus minute segment seemed much longer and when she finally gave me the last one, I knew my ass had been soundly spanked. I go to my feet, hugged and kissed her. Thanked her for a good maintenance spanking. She told me to put away the toys and straighten out the bed. I tossed the dice and gave her the result as she was leaving the room. The roll was a '3' and I said 'Wednesday' as she left saying she would be ready for me then.
Readers get thanked after each episode and justifiably so as the blog would cease to exist wittout their continued support. Be a part of it and leave a comment or suggestion. Ask a question about any part of the episode and each will receive an answer right here on this page. Fun and educational, your input is a big part of the blog. Join in and leave your thoughts so all can benefit. Hope to see you all back right here following my next maintenance spanking.


  1. All great implements, cowboy! Except the hairbrush. That can!
    Me projecting my fear of wood.
    Your butt must be Teflon at times.

    1. Thanks to Nora-Jane for her continued support and many comments/questions. It was a good spanking and the hairbrush bruised the deep tissue of my cheeks. The plastic handle brushes have broken in the past, so we like the wood. My ass may be Teflon, but still gets very sore when spanked soundly.
