Sunday, September 22, 2024

A Short Spanking

Saturday, September 21 not only the beginning of Autumn, it is the first spanking since my surgery nearly two weeks ago. I had asked a few days ago to resume regular maintenance spankings, but was met with...'let's hold off a few more days'. Well, today she must have felt it was time as she set up the room with the wedge pillow before breakfast. After the meal and my morning kitchen chores, she called me in. She directed me over the pillow saying, we'll see how this goes. It was clear she was still in cautionary mode but the three implements were ready to go. The warm up was bare handed, mostly mild with only a few hard smacks near the end. I assume I was pink and she checked things out before moving to the first implement... The Riding Bat.
This little stinger was a perfect choice for the first maintenance session. She stung both cheeks and sit spots with several medium swats of the leather tip of the implement. I guess she was satisfied with my condition as she soon increased the force. Soon I could hear that distinctive 'swish' thru the air a split second before the crisp sting to my ass. Both the force and the tempo were dialed up as the riding bat went thru its short segment. Several 'bee sting' like swats had my cheeks, thighs and the crease stinging and I imagine turning quite red. It was a short segment but not mild in any manner and a few more minutes of spanking evolved. There was a brief inspection of the target area at the close of the riding bat segment. A few seconds later, the belt was brought into the game. There is no doubting the presence of the Doubled Leather Belt.
She stood directly behind me and struck each cheek with the alternating pattern. It was easy to see the inspection was to her liking as there was no 'ease-in' for the belt. Solid swats landed on individual cheeks as the belting went on. I didn't break position or even squirm as belt met ass over and over again. A short time later, she paused, pulled my hips back a bit, which stick my ass out even further. Moving to my left side, she unloaded many good lashes across both cheeks. Yelps began to escape from my pursed lips as she belted my ass. Again, short in duration but with solid contact, the segment ended with red cheeks. I reset my stance while she grasped the final implement...The Big Wood Paddle.
An old favorite of mine as it gives a traditional paddling to both cheeks together. She waisted no time in getting to the force level she wanted as solid swats landed right from the very first one. A loud smack sound echoed in the room followed by a yelp from me. Duplication must have been her goal as every swat mimicked the preceeding one. Just deliberate, straight on swats landing on both cheeks defined this segment. Strike after strike and the following yelps were carried on for the full lenght of another comparatively short segment. My full ass was hot and red as she ended the segment and again surveyed the area before I stood and thanked her. She told me not to bother with the dice as she would evaluate me later and perhaps deliver another spanking on Sunday. Time will tell on that point.
Hello and thanks to the readers. It has been nearly two weeks since the last episode. The recovery from the surgery appears to be going well and we have a follow up appointment with the surgeon next month. Happy to be back in the game and will be posting every time I am spanked. Be a part and leave a comment or ask a question. You are the reason for the blog, so enjoy and join in. If there is a spanking on Sunday, the report will be right here a soon as I can sit long enough to enter Great to be back and I'll see everyone soon.


  1. Glad to hear that you are recovering well from the surgery and back to being well spanked.

  2. Thank you MRBILL. I did miss being spanked during recovery and the endless doctor appointments during this summer. It appears things are back to near normal and I am looking forward to regular spankings.

  3. That big red paddle has been in hiding! Glad it's being used again. Also happy She used more than Her hands for the session.

    1. Thank you Nora-Jane for your comments. It was a short session delivered with caution, but she did use some implements. When the big wood paddle is finished, one knows their ass has been soundly paddled... I love it.
