Sunday, September 8, 2024

Overdue Maintenance - Part 1

Saturday, Sept 7, Spanked, short but hard. A brief background. Wednesday was the schedulled maintenance day, but personal reasons got in the way. A death in our extended family and my impending surgery caused a multiple day postponement. Just as the college football game was about to begin she told me I was getting a short spanking right now with a second part tomorrow (Sunday). Reasoning that after the Monday surgery, I may be out of commision for several days. This information came with a warning that I would be uncomfortable watching the game. She had placed three menacing implements on the bed as I entered the room. Being in my normal attire of full nudity, I bent over the wedge pillow and waited for the hard spanking I was about to receive. The warm up was short as well as she spanked each cheek separately, soft then hard. The lead off implement was picked up and I stuck my ass out to meet the leather belt.
A loud report echoed in the room as the doubled belt was lashed hard across both cheeks. A yelp already and this was only the first swat. Several more followed as did the yelping even though I managed to hold position. She altered her stance and increased the force as each cheek was lashed individually. With horizontal swats, she struck left and right in an alternating attack. Both cheeks got continued attention until the were quite red. Then several more hard lashes across both cheeks until the brief segment eneded and my ass got a slight pause. Not long before the purse paddle was ready to pick up the spanking.
She left the cover on for the first set and although the cover muffles the sting, the solid cherry wood still sends soreness into the deep tissue of my ass. When the cover was removed, the smooth wood smacked my cheeks with a good paddling. I yelped and howled as she paddled both cheeks soundly with that cussed little paddle. I began to tear between yelps and felt my cheeks ablaze with pain and the deep tissue soreness was settling in. The purse paddle had left me a mass of abused flesh and exhausted. Not over yet as the worst was about to start.... she picked up the tawse.
The business end was split into two tongues and made of very heavy leather. Not much force was needed to deliver pain to the surface and soreness deep into the tissue. None the less, she unleashed quite a good swat across both cheeks. A howl was inevidable and I recoiled from the impact. She paused just a second and I knew what she was waiting for. I gathered my strength and stuck my ass back into position for more torment from that evil implement. Again and again it struck from the top of my cheeks down to the crease. Howling and tearing all the way, I kept my ass still for the onslaught of the tawse. The short segment and entire session drew to a close and I thanked her. She told me I was getting more tomorrow and for me to go and 'enjoy' sitting and watching the game. I watched, sitting gingerly on a very sore ass thinking to myself...'with the amount of points the Tennessee Volunteers were putting up, I am glad we did not use this game to direct my maintenance spanking'.
Readers, I thank you and enjoy this episode as part two is but hours away. Leave a comment or question and return on Sunday after I take the second part of my maintenance spanking. See you all then.


  1. I always forget about the tease. Hmmmmmm.... Do you prefer the tawse or the Loopy Johnny?

    1. Thanks for that tough question, Nora-Jane. Both are evil implements. The loopy johnny can cause more surface damage with its braided leather. Many edges to tear up the skin where the tawse is heave enough to leave soreness in the tissue deep under the flesh. Both cause a good amount of pain. I can't say I prefer either one over the other, but will present my ass and take which ever one she uses.
