Tuesday, February 11, 2025

A Super Spanking

Sunday, February 9th, SuperBowl Sunday. Much hype all week about the game while we kept busy working on the new car barn. Without even a mentionof it, we both sort of knew I was due for a maintenance session and the game provided an excellent method of delivering it. The final game of the year and we had made plans to watch the event together. We ate dinned prior to kickoff and picked out two toys and settled in hoping for a good game. As always, there was not much warm up as one never knows when scoring and spanking would begin. Turned out on the second time they got the ball, the Eagles found the end zone on a two yard 'Brotherly Shove' play they kind of patented during the year. I stood by the table, nude and bent over. It had been seven full days since my last spanking, so I had an idea she would not hold back or gradually increase the force. She picked up the implement designated to deliver the strokes for the Phiadelphia Eagles... the Doubled Leather Belt
In position, I waited for the 6 swats following the Touchdown. She let the belt fly and the doubled, 2 inch wide leather lashed across my bare cheeks with a loud hard smack. Five more lashes completed the first taste of pain. By now the Extra Point kick was up and thru the uprights. She lashed me another 7 times to account for the 7 - 0 score. The rest of the first quarter turned into a defensive struggle and no further scoring took place. The second quarter was to be much different and set the tone for the game. Uncharacteristically, the offense of the Kansas City Chiefs sputtered and the Eagles kicked a Field Goal. Bringing their score to 10 - 0 and sending me to the table again, I bent over. She lashed my bare ass with 10 more hard strikes and I uttered the first of many yelps from the pain of the leather belt. It seemed like moments later the first turnover occurred.... a Pick-Six interception. The Eagles were right back in the end zone and I was back at the table with my ass presented to take another visit from the belt. Still sore from the last 10 lashes, my cheeks were no match for the merciless attack from the belt at the hands of Ms Mirage. She lashed my ass 16 times for the Touchdown and of course the Extra Point was good, so an additional 17 lashes painfully landed on my bare cheeks. The Eagles were in high gear and scored again before half time. I was used to the drill now and presented myself to receive 23 lashes from the belt for their third Touchdown. I remained in position during the Extra Point attempt and it was successful. My ass was whipped with 24 hard lashes while I yelped after each one. The gun went off for half time and we refreshed our drinks and snacks while the half time show progressed and the scoreboard showed Eagles 24 - Chiefs 0 It was not long in the third quarter, Philedelphia continued their dominance and scored with a Field Goal. She was up and ready with the belt. I bent over and stuck my ass out to accept my due swats. This time, 27 strikes of the belt lashed my cheeks. All hard and all caused a loud yelp from me. Needless to state, my ass was sore. The Chiefs simply could do nothing against the strong defense of Philedelphia and suffered more turnovers and yet another Eagle score. The Touchdown sent me to the table again for 33 lashes of the leather belt. Eyes moistened during this segment and some tears fell during the additional 34 lashes for the Extra Point. It was late in the third quarter when the Chiefs hit paydirt. On came their chosen implement.... The Big Wood Paddle.
The Touchdown caused me to present my red and sore ass to accept the big wood paddle. No introductory swats were in her mind as she pulled the paddle back and swung it very hard. I howled and recoiled from the force but quickly repositioned to present my ass for the full six paddle strokes. Every one was hard and caused similar reactions from me. They tried a two-point conversion to catch up but failed so the paddle rested. The final quarter began with a 34 - 6 score favoring the Eagles. Nearly assured of victory, Philedelphia took their foot off the gas a bit. They did score another Field Goal and I had to absorb 37 hard lashes from the belt. The clock was no friend of Kansas City as they did score again. I was ready for the paddle after their Touchdown and a dozen times she landed the paddle on my bare, red and sore cheeks. This time their two-point conversion was good and the paddle struck my ass with 14 hard swats. The Eagles squeezed in another Field Goal and I found myself sticking my ass out for a final visit from the belt. Topping off their score with 40, the belt lashed my cheeks for a count of 40. Can you say very painful. As time was winding down, the Chiefs got a 'who cares' touchdown as the Eagles began their celebration. My ass was due to receive 20 swats for their Touchdown and with another two-poing conversion, she gave me the final 22 hard swats with the big wood paddle. A wild Super Bowl ended with a final score of Eagles 40, Chiefs 22. My final total was a staggering 274 hard lashes from the belt and 72 hard swats from the paddle. The Super Bowl was over, but my Super Spanking would be felt for some time.
Thanks to the readers, all of you, new or established. A few new readers have surfaced and soon I think more comments and questions will appear. Let this be another encouragement to all of you to become involved and join the fun. Ask a question or leave a comment. Each will be addressed individually. Stop back soon to catch the report of my next maintenance spanking.


  1. That paddle packs a wallop!!! The double belt is so beautifully crafted, too. Do you make that one, cowboy?

    1. Thank you Nora-Jane for your comments and questions. The big wood paddle does deliver a great swat. It covers both cheeks easily and the 5-ply Baltic Birch plywood is unyielding, delivering great pain on ones entire ass. I made that one and others which I have given away. That particular doubled belt was not made be me, but I have the pattern and have made a few others. A solid belting is received with each lash of that implement.

  2. How old is the doubled belt? Does the leather soften with use, like the leather slapper?

  3. Thanks for the questions, Nora-Jane. That particular belt is about 10 years old and still in very good condition. Treat any leather toy as you would any leather items such as a holster or garments with a good cleaning solution and leather treatments to keep the leather plyable. As for softening, it will over time. The belt in comparison to the leather slipper will take much longer to soften. First off it is quite a bit thicker leather. Secondly being of longer length, it does not flex as much during impact with flesh. Both of these factors will lengthen the time the leather will last and provide a good spanking.
