Thursday, January 9, 2025

The FOUR Delivering Maintenance

Wednesday, January 8, A week from the first and time FOR another maintenance spanking. Been busy here during our time since returning home from Florida. As you all have read, I was spanked soundly on New Years Day and I guess she determined it was time again. Early in the day she told me I would be spanked this evening and about 8 pm it was time. I went to the bedroom and placed my nude body over the pillow and presented my ass to receive due maintenance. Next to me there were FOUR implements bent on ass destruction....mine! Many references have been associated with that number in the past.... the Gang of FOUR... the Fearsom FOURsome... the FOUR Horseman... the Fab FOUR...etc. Any of those phrases would be correct in describing the FOUR implements at the ready. However, beFORE any spanking commenced, she administered the traditional bare hand warm up. She spanked my cheeks, she spanked my sit spots, she spanked my thighs, she spanked and spanked until I was very warm and I imagine quite pink. She ceased the bare hand warm up and my spanking was about to begin. I was later to learn, each implement would not have a separate segment, but rather all would be used interchangablly over the next 20 minutes or so. I will give you the photos of the implements here and then on to the narrative.
The Flexible Leather Paddle led off the session. The soft fur was pleasant on my bare skin but the hard thud was sending deep tissue soreness with every swat. Soon the smooth leather side was stinging my flesh with a series of hard strikes. Knowing this would be a good spanking, I set my stance and tried to keep from any squirming or movement. Holding my ass still for a good target, the leather paddle continued its assault. Without much of a pause, the Doubled Leather Belt was brought on. No easing in or a slow start as the belt lashed across both cheeks very hard. I yelped but stayed still for the next and the next and the next strikes. Then she stood behind me and struck single cheeks alternatively with solid lashes. Both backhand and FOREhand motions were used to belt my ass. After many lashes, I felt the leather paddle return to spank lower cheeks and thighs as the 'mix of implements' had begun. A very brief pause elasped beFORE I felt the unmistakable spank of a wood backed hair brush. By now I had lost some FORtitude and began to squirm and adjust my stance a bit. Solid swats from a hair brush makes one realize what a sound spanking really is. Yelps were flying, tears were streaming as my ass was getting a very sound spanking. A few more from the doubled belt had me hoping the end was near....wrong. The paddle struck several more times and the hairbrush returned all beFORE the first swat from the big wood paddle. This was not golf and she did not yell 'FORE' after the strike landed. The only sound was my howl as my torso jumped off the pillow from the recoil of the swat. She had laid the wood against my burning cheeks, drew back and let fly a very hard smack to both cheeks. I processed the pain and returned to position with my ass making a bright red target. Again she laid the wood against my cheeks and delivered another very hard swat. Again I recoiled and howled. Back to position after a few seconds which signaled her I expected more, and she delivered with a series of hard paddle strokes. Again, thru my howls, I felt the belt return. Then the leather paddle and the hair brush, back to the wood paddle, all delivering short and hard bursts of strikes. Tears had soaked the pillow and howls had lost some volume due to exhaustion by the time she finished my maintenance spanking. My cheeks were deep red and bruised as she helped me to my feet. Thanking her properly, she then whispered I took a hundred with each meaning, of course, FOUR hundred. Again, no dice were tossed when I questioned about the next spanking. She reminded me Friday was expected to snow all day and we would most likely be cooped up indoors and winked at me. I wonder what that could mean???????
All readers get a big thanks and I hope everyone is enjoying the start of another year. Resolve to be a part of the fun here and leave your thoughts via a question or comment. Your answer will follow ASAP. I can't say when I will be subject to another spanking, but I have a feeling it won't be long. See you all then.


  1. Great googly moogly!! Your bottom must be made of FORged iron!!
    Great blog entry, cowboy! My butt burned, just reading about it. When I rubbed my bottom, I expected it to be hot... LOL

  2. Many thanks to Nora-Jane for her continuing comments and questions. Nice you extended my play on words and if my ass is made of iron, Ms Mirage heated it to a cherry red and hot...(just like
