Saturday, January 25, 2025

A Quickie Before Traveling

Thursday, January 23, travel day after a quick spanking. A last minute decision to travel across Florida to visit my younger brother did not leave much time for a full maintenance spanking. She felt I needed one so decided to spank my ass prior to leaving. Following my shower, she told me to hold off on getting dressed and bend over the bed. I complied and felt the short bare hand warm up almost immediately. Shortly after the warm up ended, she was grasping her implement of choice for today's short maintenance session..... The Tawse.
My yelp was a bit louder than the smack of the split leather tawse on my bare ass. No caution for noise as we were checking out in a few minutes, so she lashed me again. Another loud yelp. She delivered a few single cheek bursts on left then right sides. Several more across both cheeks before resting that evil implement. Back to the bare hand but not the mild, warm up style swats. She hand spanked me soundly. My skin, softened by the shower, turned red quickly. The fast and hard hand spanking lasted about 7 minutes. I held position during that brief segment, but now the tawse was about to return. I reset my stance and stuck my ass out further to accept the split tongue of heavy leather. I got slow and hard lashes to full cheeks for about 20 more swats. Finally she laid down the tawse and said, there, 50 is a good number. That should hold your attention during our 2 and a half hour drive. I dressed and we finished loading up the truck and were gone. There was no doubt I was going to feel my sore cheeks for the entire trip.
Readers get thanked, I get spanked.. readers leave question and comments, I supply answeres and responses. That is the way the blog benefits everyone. Leave your thoughts or questions and receive your individual response from me right here on this page. Still in Florida for many weeks, so stop back for more episodes as I continue to be spanked for maintenance.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

A Sunday Spanking

Sunday, January 19th, spanked for maintenance. Most readers are aware we are in Florida for an extended stay, so things are a bit unsettled as far as our maintenance routine. We are either camping in our van or staying at a resort or at a hotel. Any of those venues makes regular maintenance spankings a bit different than being at home. As it turned out it has been quite some time since my last official maintenance session, but there have been a few swats here and there since then. Anyway, here we are, in bed on a Sunday afternoon watching the rain fall and one of the NFL playoff games. At half time, she calmly said to get over her lap as a spanking was way overdue. I slid out of the covers and over her lap, head down, bare ass up, immobile, ready to be spanked. Her bare hand began the warm up phase and quickly colored my cheeks pink. Continuing on with harder spanks, covering both cheeks, sit spots and upper thighs, a full bare hand spanking was in progress. Several minutes later, I noticed there were three implements at her side. Already spanked, I suddenly realized my maintenance session had only begun. The first implement was ready to meet my bare ass.... The wooden spatula.
It is the implement on the left in the photo, short, solid hardwood and curved like a shallow spoon, it leaves a good mark as well as a full dose of pain. A short but hard segment was interspurrsed with more hand spanking. The narrow spatula was especially effective in striking sit spots and lower cheeks. I was soon to learn there would be no separate segments for todays session as the second inplement soon joined in...The belt
Not often used for the OTK position because of its physical length, the belt stung my bare cheeks as I yelped. After several more lashes, a few tears escaped from squinted eyes. She was precise in her strikes even with the long leather belt and the belting was supplemented with both more hand spanking and a revisit from the wooden spatula. That tool is perfect for spanking the crease and she struck the sensitive area often as I yelped. The belt, spatula and bare hand traded off short bursts of strikes as they tag teamed my bare ass. Within no time the last implement was introduced to the joint spanking session. I howled as the first strike landed from the Tawse.
The heavy leather, split tail implement lashed my cheeks. I was immobile across her thighs and could only accept whatever pain she delivered. The tawse, the belt, the spatula and bare hands went on a spanking binge while I yelped and felt tears streaming down my face. By far, the tawse delivered the most painful strikes and each one produced a howl from me while my face was buried in a pillow. A good 20 minutes later she finally wound down the assault and began a soothing rub to my inflamed cheeks. She told me I was quite red and I may not want to sit again for a few minutes. I took her advice, slid off her lap and walked around our room for a while. I thanked her and offered to toss the dice. No need, she replied, another spanking will take place soon.
My apologies to readers for the late release of this episode go along with my thanks to all of you. As we begin another year of this blog, make it a point to leave comments or questions. It is your best way to become a part of the blog and join the fun. Each will be answered as soon as I can. Looking forward to seeing you all after my next maintenance spanking.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

The FOUR Delivering Maintenance

Wednesday, January 8, A week from the first and time FOR another maintenance spanking. Been busy here during our time since returning home from Florida. As you all have read, I was spanked soundly on New Years Day and I guess she determined it was time again. Early in the day she told me I would be spanked this evening and about 8 pm it was time. I went to the bedroom and placed my nude body over the pillow and presented my ass to receive due maintenance. Next to me there were FOUR implements bent on ass destruction....mine! Many references have been associated with that number in the past.... the Gang of FOUR... the Fearsom FOURsome... the FOUR Horseman... the Fab FOUR...etc. Any of those phrases would be correct in describing the FOUR implements at the ready. However, beFORE any spanking commenced, she administered the traditional bare hand warm up. She spanked my cheeks, she spanked my sit spots, she spanked my thighs, she spanked and spanked until I was very warm and I imagine quite pink. She ceased the bare hand warm up and my spanking was about to begin. I was later to learn, each implement would not have a separate segment, but rather all would be used interchangablly over the next 20 minutes or so. I will give you the photos of the implements here and then on to the narrative.
The Flexible Leather Paddle led off the session. The soft fur was pleasant on my bare skin but the hard thud was sending deep tissue soreness with every swat. Soon the smooth leather side was stinging my flesh with a series of hard strikes. Knowing this would be a good spanking, I set my stance and tried to keep from any squirming or movement. Holding my ass still for a good target, the leather paddle continued its assault. Without much of a pause, the Doubled Leather Belt was brought on. No easing in or a slow start as the belt lashed across both cheeks very hard. I yelped but stayed still for the next and the next and the next strikes. Then she stood behind me and struck single cheeks alternatively with solid lashes. Both backhand and FOREhand motions were used to belt my ass. After many lashes, I felt the leather paddle return to spank lower cheeks and thighs as the 'mix of implements' had begun. A very brief pause elasped beFORE I felt the unmistakable spank of a wood backed hair brush. By now I had lost some FORtitude and began to squirm and adjust my stance a bit. Solid swats from a hair brush makes one realize what a sound spanking really is. Yelps were flying, tears were streaming as my ass was getting a very sound spanking. A few more from the doubled belt had me hoping the end was near....wrong. The paddle struck several more times and the hairbrush returned all beFORE the first swat from the big wood paddle. This was not golf and she did not yell 'FORE' after the strike landed. The only sound was my howl as my torso jumped off the pillow from the recoil of the swat. She had laid the wood against my burning cheeks, drew back and let fly a very hard smack to both cheeks. I processed the pain and returned to position with my ass making a bright red target. Again she laid the wood against my cheeks and delivered another very hard swat. Again I recoiled and howled. Back to position after a few seconds which signaled her I expected more, and she delivered with a series of hard paddle strokes. Again, thru my howls, I felt the belt return. Then the leather paddle and the hair brush, back to the wood paddle, all delivering short and hard bursts of strikes. Tears had soaked the pillow and howls had lost some volume due to exhaustion by the time she finished my maintenance spanking. My cheeks were deep red and bruised as she helped me to my feet. Thanking her properly, she then whispered I took a hundred with each meaning, of course, FOUR hundred. Again, no dice were tossed when I questioned about the next spanking. She reminded me Friday was expected to snow all day and we would most likely be cooped up indoors and winked at me. I wonder what that could mean???????
All readers get a big thanks and I hope everyone is enjoying the start of another year. Resolve to be a part of the fun here and leave your thoughts via a question or comment. Your answer will follow ASAP. I can't say when I will be subject to another spanking, but I have a feeling it won't be long. See you all then.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

The First of 2025

Wednesday, January 1, New Years Day...SPANKED to start the year off right. I knew the Christmas Day spanking would not be the last one received while on this wonderful trip to Florida. A great Nude Years Party caused a sleeping in on wednesday, but after a nice breakfast and much chat about leaving the following day, I was directed over a double pillow on the foot of the bed. Final packing had begun and before the toy bag was packed, she decided to put it to use one more time. I was in position with my ass ready to receive the first maintenance spanking of the year when I felt the trio of implements placed on the bed beside me. A bare hand warm up led off the session with good coverage of my bare cheeks. The three implements of leather, wood and rubber were ready to start the New Year off right. The first was the Flexible Leather paddle.
Fitting to start off with this little device and its short but hard segment wasted no time in delivering hards swats to my warmed up bare ass. The fur side struck first and sent solid swats to both cheeks. Aimed solely at the cheeks, several strikes landed before she flipped the paddle over to use the smooth leather side. My flesh felt the contrast of thud to sting with the first swat. Many more landed firmly as the segment featured a quick hard cadence. A good paddling resulted as esch strike was aimed soley to my bare cheeks. A good 3 minutes passed as she paddled me quickly before bringing on the next device...The Hair Brush.
Used for the first time on this trip, this wood backed brush was going to be sure to make up for any pain not delivered up to this point. A very hard strike told me she was to give me a traditional painful hair brush spanking. The smooth wood handle stung my ass repeatedly and thoroughly. Again, concentrating on my cheeks, a fast hard spanking quickly brought tears to my eyes. I was fortuante she had decided on a short duration, but was sure to make the first maintenance spanking of the year a meaningful one. Yelping, while holding position, I took the hairbrush swats as a good submissive should. The hair brush stung soundly right thru the final swat before the final implement was at hand. The Rubber Strap.
My ass was going to be strapped to ring in the New Year. From the first solid lash, I knew this New Years spanking was going to be felt for awhile. A quick hard burst on each cheek brought tears to my eyes and yelps from my lips. Each cheek got a few such bursts and was followed by several hard lashes across both cheeks. Howling and tears were a constant as she strapped with authority. I struggled to hold position but felt I could if the duration was as short as with the preceeding two implements. Full cheeks took most of the assault but an occasional lash on the sit spots added more pain to my crimson ass. Another burst or two on each cheek before a few lashes across both finally ended the segment. A wish of a Happy New Year and a reminder that I belong to her ended the first maintenance spanking of 2025. No dice were tossed and we will be leaving early on the 2nd, so we will be home for the next maintenance spanking.
A big thank you and Happy New Year to each and every reader. As we all open a new chapter in our lives, I hope you resolve to become involved in this blog by leaving questions about any facet of our FLR with DD household. Comments as well are not only welcome but encouraged. Nothing is held back as I will answer any comment on every one of your thoughts. Come on, join in the fun!!! See you all next time.