Sunday, September 30, 2018

Sunday, Sept 30, Maintenance Day.  Last day of the month, last day of the regular baseball season, so we will use the last regular season for a maintenance spanking.  Because both teams are bound for the post season, we did not expect a lot of hitting or scoring.  Action began right away as Boston scored 4 runs in the first.  With the hits, I had to present my ass for 110 strokes from the leather paddle.  The Yankees were doing nothing but Boston added another 3 runs in the second and the wood paddle delivered 75 sound strokes.  Each team got a single in the third, so 5 strokes from each paddle completed the spankings for that inning.  Yankees got it going in the 4th with a double and home run.  That 2 runs cost my cheeks 50 hard strokes from the flexible leather paddle.  Not to be out done, Boston, came right back with 3 more runs.  I presented my ass and gritted my teeth.  Seventy hard strokes later left me with red, sore, and deeply bruised cheeks.  Only 4 innings into the game I had already absorbed over 300 strokes.  Nothing in the 5th, the Yanks cost me 5 strokes in the 6th and Boston had doubles in their half of the 7th and 8th innings.  Ten more strokes in each inning rounded off the total for the game at 340 strokes.  Baseball is over and so was this maintenance spanking.  Playoffs begin Wednesday but we are not sure if we will use baseball games or football games to direct future maintenance spankings.  I rolled a '2' scheduling Wednesday as the next day I submit to being spanked. 

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  1. Hmmmmm... I eagerly await to find out what sport will become involved, if any, for the next maintenance session (tonight).

  2. The 'sport' turned out to be a pulled back muscle. No spanking. We are attending a spanking party on Saturday and that will serve as the maintenance session.
