Friday, April 10, 2015

Today was Maintenance Day and I never know what is in store for me.  One of the best things about that is everything is different every time.  Last maintenance spanking was very hard and very long.  Sometimes she used several implements and different positions.  Tonight I was placed over the living room foot stool.  No blindfold, no restraints, no accumulation of toys to be used.  Just simply placed in position with bare ass high.  She took a 2 inch wide doubled belt attached to a wood handle from the closet.  She started belting me from both sides.  Alternating sides to completely cover both cheeks.  It makes a wonderful sound and gives a sound spanking.  I lost count at 60.  A short spanking compared to last time, but rewarding none the less.  At the finish, I was very red and sore.  Next came the dice roll to determine the next maintenance spanking.  Would you not know it... I rolled a one.  As you know by now, we add one to the number rolled giving us the next day.  So Sunday, I will be spanked again.  Stay tuned for the result.


  1. Do you think you'll be healed in time?

  2. Merry won't use a belt on me. It reminds her of an abusive husband she used to have. She WILL use a tawse.
