Sunday, October 13, 2024

Blindfolded and Spanked for Maintenance

Saturday, October 12, Maintenance Day. After rolling a '4' for the third consecutive time, a maintenance session was due today. Soon after breakfast the bed was set up with the wedge pillow. We discussd our day and agreed that a spanking would be 'fit in' sometime during our activities today. A busy and hectic day unfolded for both of us with errands and chores to be done. Before we knew it, dinner had passed and evening was settling in. She looked over at me saying 'When do you want to be spanked'. I replied 'Right Now' and we both went to the bedroom to find it ready for the event. Still nude since returning from my last afternoon errand, I climed over the pillow as she got out the implements. Very surprised when the first thing she handed me was the blindfold. It was evident she was not going to allow me a peek at the implements to be used in today's spanking. Everything was dark for me as I felt the implements land on the bed beside me and all I knew is there were four of them. I will reveal them to you but know I was unaware as to their identy until after the blindfold was removed.
The warm up began as always with mild bare hand spanks. Soon the force was increased as the segment morphed into a solid hand spanking. I was soon to learn there would be no separate segments for each implement as she intended to mix up the order and duration of each one with several visits from each. When the first few swats from an implement landed on my ass, I knew it was leather. Firm slaps on bare skin rang out in the room until she flipped it over. Now the soft rabbit fur confirmed the identy as the flexible leather paddle. Several hard thuds landed before several more with the smooth leather side was used again. SMACK...YEOOOW!!!!! There was no doubt about the next one. The implement bit into my flesh as she lashed the rubber strap across both cheeks. After the initial recoil, I regained position and stuck my ass out for another strike. She obliged with several more as I howled after each one. The rubber strap had its way with my vulnerable bare ass for many more lashes. Tears wet the inside of the blindfold as I was soundly strapped. Almost a relief when she again delivered a hard bare hand spanking before the next implement was used. She ended the bare hand spanking by spreading my thighs open and grasping my hanging balls for a squeeze and twist and a few smacks. The next implement landed with a good swat. I knew it was a sloid toy but still confused a bit. I thought small hairbrush, but the striking area was too large. Soon its identy was apparent as well as the reason for spreading my legs. The wooden spoon landed directly on my exposed anus. An involuntary recoil took place, but instinctively I reset my stance with legs open and ass stuck way out. The spoon pounded my asshole along with inner cheeks, thighs and sit spots. Quite a good spanking on nomally hidden areas lasted a few more minutes. I was yelping and tears flowing as the next implement took up the assault. It slapped against my enflamed cheeks and I could tell it was another leather implement. I thought it was the belt until after the entire spanking was over and then I learned it was the leather strap. Many lashes was the order for this device and she delivered all of them with good force. The two straps and paddle each made a few more short visits depositing their unique pain to my cheeks. The wooden spoon too returned to spank my asshole soundly a few more times. Finally she paused saying my entire ass was cherry red and she felt I had had enough and removed my blindfold. I slowly slid off the wedge pillow to hug and thank her for a long, 30 plus minute spanking. She picked up the equipment as I tossed the dice. What is going on, I thought as it landed showing a FOUR for the fourth straight time. This scheduled Thursday as the next maintenance day. She alluded to the club meetings on Thurdsay nights, so I should expect a morning spanking
A big thank you to all readers. I hope you enjoy the episodes and please do leave a comment or a question. Each will be answered right here on these pages. She is the boss, so on Thursday. I will present my bare ass to be spanked for maintenance. Stop in then.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

"The Belt' for Maintenance

Monday, October 7, scheduled for maintenance and got it. In the morning, we had planned on using the Monday Night Game to direct my scheduled spanking, so the day pased for me in anticipation. Early evening we discovered the network we usually catch the game on was airing something else and the game was only on ESPN. Not getting that channel in our package we had to change our plans at the last minute. I don't know if she was upset at me or the change in our evening plans, but about 8:30 she called me to the bedroom. She had placed the wedge pillow and was holding one implement. Without question I took position over the pillow, ass out and ready to be spanked. I guess she decided to use the implement for warm up as well, for within seconds I felt the swat of The Leather Belt.
Several mild strikes were to serve as warm up as soon the belt meant business. The two inch wide, doubled leather belt mounted on a wood handle lashed across both cheeks in a perfect horizontal strike causing a wince from me. This repeated itself for over a full minute and the strikes began to wear me down. I still held position but yelps were forced out between clentched teeth. A brief pause for her to alter her stance directly behind me. Now the strikes landed on single cheeks, alternatively left and right. I think she raised the force level a bit as the leather bit into my flesh. Yelps became louder and my eyes began to well up from the spanking. She was whipping my ass hard with the side to side motion and one cheek after the other took the lash from the belt. The strikes covered the entire cheek from the top to the crease and I began to squirm from the belt whipping. She paused again only long enough to pull my hips back away from the bed a bit which stuck my ass out even further. She went back to my left side and unleached a barrage of hard horizontal lashes across both cheeks. Yelps turned to howls and tears streaked down my face as the belt continued to whip my ass. This was feeling like a harsh punishment spanking without an infraction and with the duration of a maintenance session. She belted, I howled, tears flowed as the session went on for several more minutes. Again she went behind me for more single cheek alternating lashes while I struggled to hold still and accept the belt. A last stand on my left side for more of the hard horizontal lashes before winding down the session. She had delivered a very hard belt whipping, yet I thanked her sincerely. I heard her say I took several hundred lashes and my cheeks were crimson. That was the look, but she could not feel the pain or the deep tissue soreness left from the belt. I rolled the dice and could not believe the result. Another 4, the third consecutive time and it meant Saturday I would be spanked again.
Thanks go out to all readers, new or established and another reminder that questions or comments are more than welcome. They are actually encouraged. Become a part of the blog and the fun and leave your opinions. Each will be answered individually. Most important is to return after the Saturday maintenance spanking.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

A Morning Maintenance Spanking

Wednesday, October 2, Maintenance carried out on schedule. The dice were tossed last Friday. Wednesday was scheduled. Morning coffee, then breakfast, then my morning chores. Mid morning she entered the den and told me to go take my position, I was getting spanked. Without hesitation, I tottered into the bedroom and all was set. Wedge pillow on the bed and 3 implements at the ready. She had put on some background music and I climed into position with my ass presented for her to spank. A normal warm up, bare hand spanks, mild at first, then increasing until a good force spanked my cheeks until they were pink and warm. A bit longer than needed as she continued the hard hand spanking another few minutes. With the slightest pause possible, she was ready to strike with the first of the implements....The flexible leather paddle.
Following the lead of the hard bare hand spanking, the smooth leather side of the paddle smacked my left cheek. In perfect timing, the right cheek got its initial smack. Like a machine, she continued to paddle alternating cheeks with hard swats. Soon I began to yelp but was able to hold position. Each swat was hard and stung my ass. A few landed on both cheeks, but the toy works better on single cheeks. A few minutes later she flipped the paddle over and laid the fur against the inflamed flesh. Drew back and let go a very very solid strike to both cheeks. A few seconds later this was repeated and after about the fifth, I had the feeling it was going to last awhile. Slow and deliberate, she paddled my ass very hard with the thud driving soreness deep into the tissue of my cheeks. The segment lasted quite some time before she rested the leather paddle in favor of the thin education paddles.
My ass was bright red and stining from the bare hand and leather but the thin oak paddles were about to add to that feeling. Not only thin, but narrow, they are designed for maximum sting and that was her intent from the beginning. Using only one to start, several hard horizontal strikes left deeper red stripes across both cheeks. I was yelping now with each strike and when both paddles were used squirming began. Holding position became difficult as the oak paddles rained down on the tenderized skin of my ass. Rapid fire or slow, full cheeks, single cheeks, the crease, or upper thighs, yelping and squirming all things were present as the paddling went on for several minutes. I finally heard the paddles laid down and breathed a sigh of relief. Not lasting long, the pause was interupted by a good hard hand spank. Several more landed as squirmed a bit. She placed her hip against mine and reached across to my other hip and held tight. Now, nearly immobile I had to accept a good steady hard hand spanking again. My stinging cheeks were again getting spanked with her bare hand, fast and hard for a few minutes. She released my hips and I knew the segment was over, but not the spanking. The stinging part of the session was finished but I knew the pain was about to begin as she picked up The Tawse.
Used on my last maintenance spanking, it must have been on the top of the toy drawer and was now in her hand. This implement is all leather, thick, about 1/2 inch and the split tail about 10 inches long. My ass was well spanked at this point but about to accept more from this evil implement. Her first lash covered both cheeks and a loud yelp shot from my lips. Another and another caused tears to well up and yelps turned to howls. I recoiled after each strike but quickly reset and stuck my ass out to receive the next painful swat I knew was coming. Both single cheek and full ass was struck with solid lashes and shorter, quicker, rapid fire swats. Pain and soreness was driven into the deep tissue of my ass. The 5 plus minute segment was about all I could absorb and I was thankful when she slowed and said she felt it was enough as my ass was covered in a deep red color. She helped me to my feet and I hugged, kissed and thanked her for a long solid maintenance spanking. A bit shorter than before, it still lasted over 30 minutes and I felt very well spanked. I tossed the dice and watch the cube tumble across the floor and come to rest with the number 4 on top. Adding 'ONE' schedulled Monday for my next maintenance spanking.
Readers get thanked after I get spanked, but don't let that be the end of it. Leave a comment or ask a question. Suggestions are also welcome here and all will be answered. Become a part of the blog and join the fun by including your input. Stop back after the next session to learn how I was spanked for maintenance.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

A Long Maintenance Spanking

Friday, September 27, Maintenance Day. No dice were rolled after my last spanking, but she decided today was the day. She had set up the room and called me in after chores were done. I arrived and heard her state, "You're getting spanked either right now or 3 pm today, it's your choice'. I chose now and climed over the pillow as she got out the implements. She got out 5 implements and I knew my ass was going to get a good spanking. The warm up was normal, bare handed and sometimes using both hands. It lasted well over 5 minutes with several good hard spanks near the end so cheeks were quite warm and pink. The first of the implements took over without a break in the tempo as I felt the sharp sting of The Riding Bat.
Stinging like a hornet, this implement covered my ass, thighs and the crease. Not full force but enough duration to raise the level of sting to my ass. Lasting several minutes with many hard strikes interspurrsed she used the Riding Bat to its full potential. I held position well through the long segment. A steady rhthem of swats continued with the swish thru the air and the trademark sharp bite of the leather tip. My entire ass took many swats as the minutes dragged by. I could tell the cheeks, sit spots and thighs were quite red by the feel of heat pouring off. She paused and did an inspection of her work and the condition of my flesh. She must have been satisfied as the next implement was brought into play...The Doubled Leather Belt.
The first lash told me to brace myself as now I was going to be spanked. Maybe not full force, but solid lashes replaced the small area sting of the riding bat. The two inch wide double leather smacked my cheeks over and over again. Landing on both cheeks and single alternating cheeks, the belt was doing its job. I began to squirm a bit and at times recoiled from a hard lash across both cheeks. I quickly repositioned, sticking my ass out for a target. She did not miss and the scenario of strike, yelp, recoil, and reposition repeated itself for several minutes. I was beginning to realize each implement was getting a 5 to 8 minute segment. About midway thru its segment, the belt caused yelps to turn to howls and my eyes shed some tears as she belted my ass at length. My cheeks were inflamed and tears streaked down my face by the time the final strike of the belt landed. I reset my stance and she went for the next implement.... Thin Education Paddles.
Made of oak, these long but thin paddles are known for their sting and red marks. She used them effectively, one at a time and both together, she paddled my ass like a drummer would a snare drum. Quick tempo and decent force had me yelping in no time. My skin, already tenderized from the first two implements, stung like hell as the thin wood bit into my cheeks. She covered the entire area as I struggled to hold position. Yelps sounded and tears fell during the long paddling segment I had to endure. Occasionally, a single paddle landed quite hard on my ass causing a howl and recoil. I repositioned only to get a follow up swat. Nearly 7 minutes is quite a bit of time for the thin education paddles to unload their share of pain to my ass. I was really getting spanked, but had two more implements to go. Next up was the Flexible Leather Paddle.
A two sided paddle, she had every intention of using both. A solid thud from the fur side coupled with a good sting from the smooth leather side. Several swats from the fur side sent soreness deeper into the tissue of my cheeks. This, in addition to the solid belting, made sure I would feel this spanking for quite a while. The leather side got in its swats as well landing on single cheeks with a loud smack. Soon she placed the paddle between my thighs and tapped sideways. My signal to spread my legs open. My balls hung free as she continued to paddle my cheeks, sit spots and thighs with the fur and leather sides. Near the end of the long segment, a different approach came into play. She morphed in the final implement with the paddle. The fur side was rubbed along my ass, inner thighs and balls and the soft rabbit fur felt wonderful. Then, with warning, I was snapped back to reality with a solid swat from the heavy leather, split tongue of the Tawse.
An uncontrolled yelp escaped and the tawse struck again. More rubbing with the rabbit fur on the sensual areas preceeded another sound swat with the tawse. Opposite ends of the spectrum were present as the pleasure and pain alternated. Soon, the leather and fur paddle was phased out and I was spanked soundly with the tause for the rest of the segment. No need for hard swats, with that implement only medium force is required to deliver intense pain. Yelps, howls, tears and squirming were the features of the spanking segment delivered by the tawse. The full time of the segment passed and ended with no objections from me. Nearly 45 minutes of spanking had drained me. She inspected my ass again and let me know all was fine with a hard bare hand swat. I stood on wobbly legs to thank her for a long maintenance spanking. She picked up the toys and told me to roll the dice. Was this another sign that regular and harder spankings were about to be given in the future? Anyway, I rolled a 4 and schedulled Wednesday as the next time I will be spanked.
Readers, you have my sincere thank you for your continued support. Take advantage of your opportunity to add to the blog by asking a question or voiceing a comment. Each will be addressed individually. Come on, join in, just like a good spanking, the more the better. Stop in again following my next maintenance spanking.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Strapped and Paddled for a MNF Maintenance

Monday, September 23, Spanked for maintenance during the football game. After my spanking on Saturday, she said more would follow, perhaps on Sunday. That slipped to Monday. I learned early that there was no doubt I was going to be spanked. As the day passed, after dinner we settled in to watch the Monday Night NFL game. It was decided my spanking was to be directed by the game between the Cincinnati Bengals and the Washington Commanders. Two implements were ready before kickoff. I quickly learned which implement belonged to each team as the Bengals scored early in the first quarter. I was directed to stand against the wall, ass out as she picked up the Cincinnatti implement.... The Rubber Strap.
The Touchdown netted me 6 strokes with the strap, when they were successful with the Extra Point, I took 7 more lashes from the strap. I sat back down on tender cheeks and thanked her. The game continued and by the end of the first quarter, the Commanders had scored to tie the game at 7. After their touchdown, I stood about a foot from the wall, legs parted to shoulder width, forearms against the wall and ass presented to take the six swats with the Washington implement... The Broad Sword Paddle
The heavy leather, backed with a steel spine, smacked my bare cheeks six times. By now the Extra Point was good and 7 more swats echoed in the room. I knew a high scoring game with these two implements would guarantee a very sore ass. The second quarter saw much scoring beginning with another touchdown from Washington, taking a 14 to 7 advantage. 13 more paddle swats accounted for the Touchdown, closely followed by 14 more for the Extra Point. The Bengals answered with a Field Goal and I found myself presenting my ass for 10 lashes with the rubber strap. More scoring as the Commanders marched down the field for another touchdown. Back up to the wall, my protuded ass took 20 swats after the Touchdown and 21 additional as the Extra Point was good. Cincinnatti managed another field goal before the first half ended with the score 21 to 13 in favor of Washington. Another strapping of 13 lashes followed the Bengals Field Goal. HALFTIME... Refilled our drinks and ate a snack before the third quarter began. Each team scored a Touchdown and a successful Extra Point during this quarter. I visited the wall after each score, taking 27 swats from the paddle for the Commanders Touchdown followed by 28 more for the Extra Point. The trip to the wall following the score by Cincinnatti was the similar, 19 lashes of the rubber strap for the TD and 20 more for the Extra Point. Red cheeks were the scene as the fourth quarter opened up with a Field Goal by Washington That kick cost me a trip to the wall for 31 swats from the broad sword paddle. Far from over, the scoring continued with a Bengals Touchdown costing me 26 lashes with the strap. I was spared this time as they missed the try for an extra point. Washington was not finished and posted another Touchdown with a good Extra Point. That finished their scoring and I taseded the paddle for the final time. Now it was 37 swats for the Touchdown with another 38 swats as the ball went between the uprights for the last score of the Commanders. The Bengals mounted a strong bid to take the game away with a late score of their own and I had to absorb 32 lashes from the strap for the Touchdown and 33 more for the Extra Point. They tried on 'on-side' kick to give them another shot at winning, but it was recovered by Washington and the game ended. It was bed time, I put my red and sore cheeks between the sheets and slept very well. The next morning I asked about tossing the dice to schedule the next maintenance session, but she declined saying I was getting more spankings very soon. We shall see how that works out.
Many thanks to all readers, new and established, for your continued support. Be sure to increase your involvement by leaving a question for me. Comments and suggestions are welcome as well and individual responses will be posted right here. It is your opportunity to become part of the blog and the fun. I will see all of your after my next maintenance spanking.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

A Short Spanking

Saturday, September 21 not only the beginning of Autumn, it is the first spanking since my surgery nearly two weeks ago. I had asked a few days ago to resume regular maintenance spankings, but was met with...'let's hold off a few more days'. Well, today she must have felt it was time as she set up the room with the wedge pillow before breakfast. After the meal and my morning kitchen chores, she called me in. She directed me over the pillow saying, we'll see how this goes. It was clear she was still in cautionary mode but the three implements were ready to go. The warm up was bare handed, mostly mild with only a few hard smacks near the end. I assume I was pink and she checked things out before moving to the first implement... The Riding Bat.
This little stinger was a perfect choice for the first maintenance session. She stung both cheeks and sit spots with several medium swats of the leather tip of the implement. I guess she was satisfied with my condition as she soon increased the force. Soon I could hear that distinctive 'swish' thru the air a split second before the crisp sting to my ass. Both the force and the tempo were dialed up as the riding bat went thru its short segment. Several 'bee sting' like swats had my cheeks, thighs and the crease stinging and I imagine turning quite red. It was a short segment but not mild in any manner and a few more minutes of spanking evolved. There was a brief inspection of the target area at the close of the riding bat segment. A few seconds later, the belt was brought into the game. There is no doubting the presence of the Doubled Leather Belt.
She stood directly behind me and struck each cheek with the alternating pattern. It was easy to see the inspection was to her liking as there was no 'ease-in' for the belt. Solid swats landed on individual cheeks as the belting went on. I didn't break position or even squirm as belt met ass over and over again. A short time later, she paused, pulled my hips back a bit, which stick my ass out even further. Moving to my left side, she unloaded many good lashes across both cheeks. Yelps began to escape from my pursed lips as she belted my ass. Again, short in duration but with solid contact, the segment ended with red cheeks. I reset my stance while she grasped the final implement...The Big Wood Paddle.
An old favorite of mine as it gives a traditional paddling to both cheeks together. She waisted no time in getting to the force level she wanted as solid swats landed right from the very first one. A loud smack sound echoed in the room followed by a yelp from me. Duplication must have been her goal as every swat mimicked the preceeding one. Just deliberate, straight on swats landing on both cheeks defined this segment. Strike after strike and the following yelps were carried on for the full lenght of another comparatively short segment. My full ass was hot and red as she ended the segment and again surveyed the area before I stood and thanked her. She told me not to bother with the dice as she would evaluate me later and perhaps deliver another spanking on Sunday. Time will tell on that point.
Hello and thanks to the readers. It has been nearly two weeks since the last episode. The recovery from the surgery appears to be going well and we have a follow up appointment with the surgeon next month. Happy to be back in the game and will be posting every time I am spanked. Be a part and leave a comment or ask a question. You are the reason for the blog, so enjoy and join in. If there is a spanking on Sunday, the report will be right here a soon as I can sit long enough to enter Great to be back and I'll see everyone soon.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Overdue Maintenance - Part 2 - Leather Paddles

Sunday, September 8 Part 2. Yesterday I received part 1 of this spanking and she told me to expect part 2 today. She got it going shortly after breakfast saying she wanted 24 hours for the effect to fade before my surgery on Monday. Telling me she saw no need for the entire hospital staff to be admiring my red, well spanked cheeks. Over the wedge pillow I went and presented my ass to be spanked. The warm up was lengthy and took longer than the entire short but hard session of yesterday. Single hand, both hands, one cheek, both cheeks, sit spots and thighs all got a good bare hand spanking. I was soon to learn that the segment for each of the implements would last as long, keeping me in position and spanked for well over 35 minutes. The three implements she laid out were all leather and I soon was greeted by the first one... The Patent Leather Paddle
Most readers are familiar with this device. Looks great yet can still deliver a good swat due to the steel spine. Instantly I could see there was to be no honeymoon portion of this segment as she paddled my full ass with several hard swats to begin. Covering both cheeks with these swats, she soon moved to striking one at a time. Many to my right side had me yelping in no time. Switching to the left side did not alter the yelping and I could feel my eyes welling up already. She did not slight the sit spots or the thighs, but most of the strikes went to my ass. Right side, left side and both together, she paddled me soundly. I did hold position but the yelping and some tears were unpreventable. I could feel the heat pouring off my ass as the segment ended and only a slight pause for her to get the second implement.....The Flexible Leather Paddle
A double sided implement, and I was getting both sides today. The fur side feels nice on tenderized skin while leaving some soreness in the deep tissue with a good solid thud. The smooth leather side stings with the best of them. Lightweight and with a moulded handle, she can use the paddle for quite a while. Which she did. The fur side began and was interjected a few times during the smooth leather segment. All in all a continuous 10 minute or so paddling resulted. Further adding to the yelps and tearing and though I may have squirmed a bit I resumed position quickly. She asked how I was holding up and I responded fine. She said good because NOW I am going to paddle you. With that she picked up the third implement...The Broad Sword Paddle.
No other way to describe this paddle than to say it was built for pain. Two heavy slabs of leather stiched around a steel spine. An ample length for covering both cheeks at once yet can be used very effectively on a single cheek. Wide enough to provide a good swat, yet able to strike the crease and thighs too. The first swat told me all I needed to know....I was in for a solid paddling. She struck both cheeks together several times before skillfully moving to single cheek strikes. A slightly upward motion landed perfectly on the sit spots and the upper thighs were not left out of the fun. Yelps turned to howls from the force and full tears flowed freely. Most of the strikes were horizontal across both cheeks. Even if the red color faded by tomorrow, the deep tissue soreness would last much longer. The paddling ended as quickly as it began, but the sting and soreness lingered on. Don't bother with the dice she said, as soon as you heal enough from the surgery, you're getting spanked again. Direceted to pick up the bedroom and finish my normal morning chores, I did so with a flameing red and sore ass.
Readers, enjoy reading this two-part episode and I am not sure when the next one will be. Leave comments, suggestions or questions as I will be able to answer during my recovery. Not only will you become a part of the blog, but it is fun too. Leaving you now but not for too long, I hope.